Hey guys thanks for the help, I e-mailed Alex about it all and he's going to double check it for me, i hope it all works out before Christmas, anyway thx for the help guys much appreciated
No prob. You should get it before Christmas (we do receive them pretty fast) unless the customs decide to get lazy and start celebrating Christmas early.
Good luck.
That saddens me

...Shame on you Last Lxile family,
Shame On You; your actions are driving away good members.
ehhh? i'll never leave this place, my last few orders i always received in a week or so but i think its just coz its xmas and customs are being lazy as Japschin said, been 3 weeks though customs better pull their fingers outta their a$$es soon

Its most likely held up in customs and since you ordered ALOT at once you'll also very likely will get taxed. If your package stays under a certain weight international orders are practically sure to get through customs without hassle but if its above this weight it will most likely get taxed and get held up in customs. Don't know what the exact weight was but I always keep my orders under 20 discs.
Damn, I should have quoted Japschin cause what I was talking about was her not coming on much because of the incident. Probably caused confusion, but oh well, that is what I meant.
wait, so is it just better to wait until after the holidays to order more.
so there won't be problems with the shipping time???
depends how much you order really, if you ordered alot like me its best to wait after the holidays and it'll most likely come quicker that way, but if you only want to order a couple of items like my friend did at the same time as me (his came 1 week later) then i don't see any harm in ordering in the holidays, but it still may take a lil bit longer
Vicious Wrote:What? Do what in the DBZ poll?
Speaking of which? Who are you? And why are you even trying to question stuff? You joined 3 days ago and this is like the 3rd time in 3 separate threads you've tried correcting me on something. Have you ever heard the saying - "It's best to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt"? If you don't know what's going on (and I know there's no way you can keep track of previous events like the DBZ thread if you just joined) then remain silent and watch.
Just because Ryujin was like "This is my brother, be nice to him" only means I'm gonna let so much slide before I rip into you and your 16 year old I think I know it all attitude. To be honest with you, I still don't know who the hell Ryujin is either. There are only like 5 or 6 people on this forum whom I'd listen to at all and honestly try to do them a favor. I won't say their names because I don't want to give them inflated egos, but you and your brother aren't one of them.
First in the DBZ poll you said a lot of crap that didn't have anything to do with the thread and was negative.
Speaking of which? Who are you?
I'm Black Howling. If you didn't know that by now then you must be retarted.
You joined 3 days ago and this is like the 3rd time in 3 separate threads you've tried correcting me on something.
It's best to keep your mouth shut and have people think you're an idiot than to open it and remove all doubt"? If you don't know what's going on (and I know there's no way you can keep track of previous events like the DBZ thread if you just joined) then remain silent and watch.
I don't see how the amount of time I have been on this forum affects my abilty to track what is said on mutiple threads. If you really think that then again
Just because Ryujin was like "This is my brother, be nice to him" only means I'm gonna let so much slide before I rip into you
I don't really care how Ryujin told you to talk to me. I didn't ask nor want your special treatment.
16 year old I think I know it all attitude
I don't care for your 25 year old must be a dick (you refered to yourself as a dick on another thread) Attitude either.
let so much slide before I rip into you
Rip me? I'll tear you apart.
inflated egos
The only one who has an inflated ego seems to be you. And trust me your going to need pumping

Black Howling Wrote:Speaking of which? Who are you?
I'm Black Howling. If you didn't know that by now then you must be retarted.
let so much slide before I rip into you
Rip me? I'll tear you apart.
Perhaps you didn't understand what I meant. Once again, who are you? Is 'Black Howling' supposed to mean something to me?
Hahahaa. Don't make me laugh. You're gonna tear me apart?

Sirus Wrote:depends how much you order really, if you ordered alot like me its best to wait after the holidays and it'll most likely come quicker that way, but if you only want to order a couple of items like my friend did at the same time as me (his came 1 week later) then i don't see any harm in ordering in the holidays, but it still may take a lil bit longer
Sirius, Elcoholic's right you must keep your orders relatively small. I live in Portugal and if I buy as much as 6 discs I'm done for. Customs will keep my things for weeks and I'll have to pay taxes. I've asked JJ not to send an invoice but it didn't work, customs sent me a letter asking for the invoice. I changed the value that was on the invoice but I still had to pay taxes, not as much as I would've paid if I hadn't altered the invoice but still... What really pisses me off is that they keep my stuff there for so long! :mad: