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I personaly don't think DMC3 will be as good in game play. But I think it will be more fun. Also it will probably have better music and a better story. I hope they give Dante a block option but that would totally change the gameplay. What do you all think? Debate!

P.S. Who do you think is cooler (not better)? Dante or Hayabusa?
I dont know if this is a fair comparison as these are realy different games, particularly since gunplay is a big part of DMC.
All I want to see is DMC 3 being a better game than DMC 2. 2 was one of the biggest disapointments in recent history.
Oh and i guess dante would beat the venrable Ryu Hayabusa if only cause Ryu has been hanging around those DOA girls lately and thats got to make a man soft, well at least figurativly speaking.
Since nobody has played Devil May Cry 3 yet, I think its a little premature to be asking which game is better, wait untill DMC3 is actually out and people have had time to gauge it. But its fine as Dante or Hayabusa coolness thread.

Hmm... Dante has that fashion model, white hair slow motion gun, snk style, almost a gay boy, but is too cool thing going on, with the matrix-ish trench-coat combining everything that is "cool" about modern movies and anime culture combined. And Hayabusa is more like the traditional silent Ninja of the shadows that could kill with one slash, yet he retains his own individual style and personality, you could always tell Hayabusa from other ninjas. Difficult to say, I'd probably give it to Hayabusa, I mean he has been around alot longer, and Ninjas are always cool.
Ryujin Wrote:Since nobody has played Devil May Cry 3 yet, I think its a little premature to be asking which game is better, wait untill DMC3 is actually out and people have had time to gauge it. But its fine as Dante or Hayabusa coolness thread.

Hmm... Dante has that fashion model, white hair slow motion gun, snk style, almost a gay boy, but is too cool thing going on, with the matrix-ish trench-coat combining everything that is "cool" about modern movies and anime culture combined. And Hayabusa is more like the traditional silent Ninja of the shadows that could kill with one slash, yet he retains his own individual style and personality, you could always tell Hayabusa from other ninjas. Difficult to say, I'd probably give it to Hayabusa, I mean he has been around alot longer, and Ninjas are always cool.

Dante got the fashion model look from DMC2 which by the way sucked :mad: In DMC3 he looks a look more asian and although his upper body is exposed he still looks cool when compared to his DMC2 counter-part. And about the SNK style I...kind of understand what you mean but overall I dissagree.
i didn't think ninja gaiden was all that great so dmc3 had better be a better game
Only problem I personally saw in DMC 2 was the trash they called an ending.
Does it really matter? Ninja Gaiden had crapass character designs. In terms of aesthetics, Dante'll rule anyday.
What the hell are u guys talking about that Ninja Gaiden was a bad game, it totally rocked. It was by far the best remake of a classic game. The visuals were fantastic, gameplay outstanding-yet at times was utterly hard, music was pretty decent nothing that wanted to make me jab meat cleavers into my ears or anything. This game was freakin awesome, ninja's have the coolest moves ever. And as far as the competition between DMC3 and NG I think you know where I would head to.

As a side mark I have seen various footage from DM3 and it does seem much better than DMC2(dissappointing) with the all new system for your character to level up in, lets hope that it really is a good game and not just another let down for this great series.
Anyone who thinks Ninja Gaiden sucked probably got their butts kicked because of the difficulty.

And DMC3 will be much better than DMC2. They are moving Dante back indoors and making the game much more similar to DMC1. They've learned from their mistake.
Cidien Wrote:Anyone who thinks Ninja Gaiden sucked probably got their butts kicked because of the difficulty.

Some people actually do say that because they can't beat the game. It's okay to not like a game but it's another thing to say the game is crap because you suck at it.
Personally, I think Dante is a far cooler design then Ryu Hayabusa but Strider Hiryu beats them both when it comes to uniqueness. As for the games themselves, Ninja Gaiden surpassed DMC but that is a minor feat when you take into account how long DMC was out on the market. It's up in the air as to whether DMC3 will surpass Ninja Gaiden though. Although I think they are on the right track in allowing us to switch weapons while in the midst of a combo to prolong that combo.
Black Howling Wrote:Some people actually do say that because they can't beat the game. It's okay to not like a game but it's another thing to say the game is crap because you suck at it.

I know what you mean. I really suck at the Metal Gear Solid series, but want to play snake eater so bad cause of the storytelling. I hate the stealth genre, but think Metal Gear is a great and revolutionary game series. So while I can't stand the game play, there is no denying that the games are indeed great.