During the Megadrive and Super Nintendo games were difficult. But most games on the Playstation 1 were easy (in general). But the last few games that are coming out seem to be getting harder. Like Halo 2 on Legendary, Devil May Cry on Dante Must Die and Ninja Gaiden on Very Hard. So do you think that games at the moment are easier or harder? When compared to the past.
Games have been getting easier ever since I discovered gamefaqs.com :p
It all depends on the game and the difficulty you play it on. There is no point in playing every game on easy and then complaining that they are not hard enough, and vice versa. But I think in general games have become less buggy and more "fair" overall, so thats why some people might think they are easier. But they are just more advanced I'd say. I mean falling of an edge, one hit kills, beginning from the start of a level, that was all fine years ago, but games are so big and long now that these cannot apply to them, I mean imagine being near the end of a level on HALO2 or something and then you die and have to go ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE START!!.
If that were to happen in this day and age I would just stop playing the game, and probably never play it again. But anyway, as I said it depends on the game, its genre and difficulty you play it on (as well as your skill level and determination).
To answer seriously, I agree with Ryujin. Games require a lot more skill now that they did back in the coin-up era; it just seems easier because you have better control. Though I have never beaten the second Zelda...
yeah i agree to although mk at so many of my dollar coin back in the day i prob own a 1\4 share in its name lol
Well let's try the Catlevania series. Is Lament of Innocence harder than Catlevania 1 or Synpony of the Night? :confused:
they're easier than in the past, i mean seriously take a look at the first mega-man even jumping a single hole was the hardet thing i've ever done :eek:
Seijuro Hiko Wrote:they're easier than in the past, i mean seriously take a look at the first mega-man even jumping a single hole was the hardet thing i've ever done :eek:
Ha-Ha those games are still a pain because of the jumping.... :mad:
Actually I found Megaman/Rockman X6 had very hard levels but easy boss's. X4 is the hardest of the X's. IMO
P.S. I am a big fan of Megaman and it's sub-series
Black Howling Wrote:Actually I found Megaman/Rockman X6 had very hard levels but easy boss's. X4 is the hardest of the X's. IMO
P.S. I am a big fan of Megaman and it's sub-series
I only beat X5 ONCE and seen X4 beat once its a nightmare beating that SOB Sigma

Puppet Master Wrote:I only beat X5 ONCE and seen X4 beat once its a nightmare beating that SOB Sigma 
Oh God that bastard! :mad: Well he isn't that bad after fighting him about 50 times

After about 50 fights I bitch slaped Sigma so hard!

Black Howling Wrote:Oh God that bastard! :mad: Well he isn't that bad after fighting him about 50 times
After about 50 fights I bitch slaped Sigma so hard! 
Heres how I play games...I fight the boss once if I lose I look up an FAQ and use the stragey it states. If that fails I quit playing for a while and end up going back to it USUALLY...
Puppet Master Wrote:Heres how I play games...I fight the boss once if I lose I look up an FAQ and use the stragey it states. If that fails I quit playing for a while and end up going back to it USUALLY...
Another hard boss was Leo from Viewtiful Joe Bastard! :mad:
Black Howling Wrote:Another hard boss was Leo from Viewtiful Joe Bastard! :mad:
LMAO Never played it...