Too bad your post slut faze is over cause you probably won't even see this, but happy B-Day none the less buddy.
Happy Birthday Rav!
I hope you have a wonderful day and get great presents.

Happy birthday you crazy Brit

Happy Birthday, Rav! Hope you have a great day!

Have a Hammerific birthday rav96.
Happy, Happy Birthday............
Rav, Happy Birthday!!! *lick* :p
in the immortal words of Ein.... "woof"
F word X 1000!!!!!!!!!
I realized when his birthday was like 2 weeks ago, but got so busy :S
Sorry Rav :o
Happy Birthday, Man
WoW im touched that you guys would even bother to make a bday thread for me...
CHEERS guys..eek im 22 and feel old now
Thanks Batz for tellin me on MSN coz i would never of realised
Cheers again
*goes back to underground strong hold*
"till next post slut phase"
*salutes IA forum once more*
Happy Brithday dude.

Happy Belated Birthday and thanks for everything youve done to help me

happy birthday homey! dont feel bad about getting old because someone out there is older than you.