Who in your opinon is the most over-powered character in the world of anime?. I think its probably Goku from DBZ. And do you think being over-powered is good or bad?
Hands down Goku, or any other Sayin in DBZ, the Gunbuster robot wasn't too shabby either.
Yes the sense of power in DBZ is wildly out of control. Probably Goku, as said before, is the most overpowered character ever. Even when someone was stronger he always won.
Majiboo! he was stonger than goku, wasnt he defeated only after merge with Vagita? (thus 2vs1)
At almost any point someone was stronger than Goku. Radzits was three times stronger than Goku when he first appeared. And even Cell at his weakest was stronger than SSJ Goku.
When Majin Buu first appeared he and SSJ3 Goku were about even. When Goku and Vegeta fused into Vigeto. Super Buu had absorbed Goten, Piccollo, Kid Trunks, Krillen, Gohan, Yamcha and Tien. So yes he was a hell of alot stronger than Goku! Even if Super Buu had only absorbed Gohan he still would have riped apart Goku (because Gohan was Mystic. And Mystic Gohan is stronger than SSJ3 Goku). If Super Buu on his own was stronger than Majin Buu I think he might have won without having absorbed anyone.
I feel kind of stupid for making this topic. Vegeta with a power level of 15000 destroyed a planet with two fingers! SSJ3 Goku has a power level of 30000000/60000000! No one from another anime can beat Goku! Hmmm.....something a little fairer should be can anyone beat Yamcha? (during the Saiyajin Saga). At least it's possible!
P.S. I think when Buu absorbed the humans he actually got weaker! It happend to Cell when he absorbed Krillen. If anyone is a fan of DBZ can you answer this question?
Alucard was fairly ridiculously overpowered... it was fairly clear that -nothing- was going to get even remotely close to killing him. From what I've witnessed... Beyond the Grave is fairly invincible, as well. Though... that's only if you think of being unstoppable as overpowering. It's not like either of them could wipe out the whole planet by snapping their fingers.
Now Vash the Stampede... that guy had some power in his fingertips.
...also, I don't watch DBZ... so I have no idea what you guys are talking about.
EDIT: I think having an overly powerful protaganist can be entertaining from time to time... when they are stylish enough about it (Alucard)... however, I've always preferred rooting for the underdog, so I like it when the competition is at least a little more powerful.
Is it that you have never seen DBZ or that you have heard of DBZ but never seen it? Well in case you haven't seen DBZ. Most of the people can destroy a planet near the start of the anime. By half way through the people are 20 to 50 times stronger than they were at the start. So much so that someone from the start could not even hurt someone from half way through even if they we sleeping! Bullets can't hurt anyone,a fire ball is about the size of a city and can destory a planet, The anime stall's alot when you are waiting for something to happen, everone in DBZ has super muscles! All the humans carhacters are outclassed by everone else! Aliens, Androids, Monsters etc...You just feel bad for them! The DBZ world has a power level thing in which the higher the number the stronger, faster and better you are. Like Goku at the start has a power level of like 600. By half way it's about 1000000000! Thats pertty much all you need to know about DBZ.
The reason I said Goku is over-powered is because someone like Vash who has a giant cannon on his arm would do nothing to Goku. I am not a fan boy. Goku is simply that damn over powered! And if you don't believe me ask anyone else who has seen DBZ they should agree......hopefully!
Black Howling Wrote:Is it that you have never seen DBZ or that you have heard of DBZ but never seen it? Well in case you haven't seen DBZ. Most of the people can destroy a planet near the start of the anime. By half way through the people are 20 to 50 times stronger than they were at the start. So much so that someone from the start could not even hurt someone from half way through even if they we sleeping! Bullets can't hurt anyone,a fire ball is about the size of a city and can destory a planet, The anime stall's alot when you are waiting for something to happen, everone in DBZ has super muscles! All the humans carhacters are outclassed by everone else! Aliens, Androids, Monsters etc...You just feel bad for them! The DBZ world has a power level thing in which the higher the number the stronger, faster and better you are. Like Goku at the start has a power level of like 600. By half way it's about 1000000000! Thats pertty much all you need to know about DBZ.
The reason I said Goku is over-powered is because someone like Vash who has a giant cannon on his arm would do nothing to Goku. I am not a fan boy. Goku is simply that damn over powered! And if you don't believe me ask anyone else who has seen DBZ they should agree......hopefully!
Oh no... I've seen it... I just can't handle it. I think part of the reason is exactly what you mentioned. My suspension of disbelief just doesn't stretch that far.

Yeah you need a lot of.....patince to watch it. 'SPOILER'= Did you see up to Friza fighting Goku? It took 4-5 epiosode's just to charge the Genki Dama (Sprit Bomb)
Do you guys think that Ken(-shiro) from Fist of the North Star is over-powered?
I swear he cheats.
Kenshiro is over-powered. But only in his world. being able to kill a person with one punch is one thing bu tbeing able to destroy a planet is extreme!
Black Howling Wrote:Yeah you need a lot of.....patince to watch it. 'SPOILER'= Did you see up to Friza fighting Goku? It took 4-5 epiosode's just to charge the Genki Dama (Sprit Bomb)
That is why DBZ is like my first love as far as anime is concerned and Yu Yu Hakusho is the reason that I watch other anime. In Hakusho, the main end fights don?t last more than a couple of episodes and the sense of power and its significance is very clever.
I swear Alucard is the most over-powered anime character I've encountered! Doesn't he stay hurt for at least 10 minutes? :eek: It was cool at first but then it got kinda tiring when every episode was just him raising up again + preaching how he's going to kick arse + the final blow.
No, over-powered characters do not make an anime fun. Where's the adversity? The struggle? :confused: