Ryo of Inferno Wrote:True, and as Mr. T once said, "I pity the fool." That kind of raises a good question, would
Mr. T pity Jugdish? Personally I don't thinks so but then again I could be wrong.
I have a theory. The reason Ryo doesn't know most 90's+ terms and always brings in people from the 80's in his conversations is because someone in the future made a time machine, went back to the 80's, grabbed Ryo and brought him to the present.
Not meant to be a diss to you Ryo, just noticed you almost always bring up people from the 80's whenever you talk about anyone famous.
And as for perma banning, I don't really much care - I just don't want a 3 strikes and you're out kinda deal. I fear if I start posting more again I may be perma banned if I make another mistake.. If it was a vote I think there's only about 2 or 3 people that would possibly succeed in getting voted out permanently..
Puppet Master Wrote:The way they put killers to death is to lenient for guys like Peterson. I can think of some very sick and demented ways they should deal with him. Mercy is for those who deserve it not killers...
Also, I agree with this. Why we spend so much damn money to kill them without any pain is beyond me. Also, I applaud Texas for putting in "an express lane" so those pieces of crap can't spend our money to try to show they aren't guilty when they obviously are. Personally, I say we go back to hanging for people like him. It's cheap, it can be extremely painful if their neck doesn't break and it doesn't take very much time or manpower.
Cidien Wrote:I have a theory. The reason Ryo doesn't know most 90's+ terms and always brings in people from the 80's in his conversations is because someone in the future made a time machine, went back to the 80's, grabbed Ryo and brought him to the present. 
I just assumed he lived in a bomb shelter for the past 15-20 years.
Cidien Wrote:Also, I agree with this. Why we spend so much damn money to kill them without any pain is beyond me. Also, I applaud Texas for putting in "an express lane" so those pieces of crap can't spend our money to try to show they aren't guilty when they obviously are. Personally, I say we go back to hanging for people like him. It's cheap, it can be extremely painful if their neck doesn't break and it doesn't take very much time or manpower.
i personally believe in a life sentence being as far as you go. thats why im glad i live in canada. killing someone no matter what the reason is wrong. that applies to murderers and murdering murderers. thats just what i believe.
How do you feel about beating the crap outta people? I have an ebay buyer from Ontario that's trying to screw me out of both my dvd's AND my money right now claiming I never sent them.... =/
Sure is nice the only options paypal gives me is to provide a tracking number or refund his money. I want a "His claim is bullcrap and he is a liar, now he's trying to screw me out of my money too!" option. Funny how when one of my items really was never sent Paypal completely ignored my claim....
Well, thanks to him Canadian bidders are now going to have to pay $20 for shipping so I can track their items. =/ Kinda stupid in the first place though. I could send him a damn empty box with a tracking number and they wouldn't care 'cuz they have their tracking number. What a stupid company.
Depending on how long ago you mailed out that package it shouldn't be any surprise that the guy is still waiting for it. We had a nasty little postal strike and anything that wasn't sent with a priority number has been seriously delayed. I just got a letter today that was mailed from Michigan back on the 8th. I imagine that a package will take even longer. They claim 4 to 6 weeks for international shipping. That would take us almost back to the beginning of November at this point.
Next thing Ryo will say "what you talkin' about Willis??".

The whole idea of someone not ever getting let back into the forums again I think should be left up to the moderators not us. Yeah we do have a few here who seem to love getting banned for the three days each time. The reason I don't think this would be a good idea is there are a few here who really rubbed me the wrong way when I first became a member and I might of voted at that time to get rid of them, but even with the sarcasm all all I know they are as important here as the rest of us when we all stay within the rules set by the moderators
onizuka17711 Wrote:Hey, sort of had an idea on the matter of permna-bans and was wondering what everyone else thought of it. If someone gets banned, perhaps it would be a good idea to hold a three-or-so day vote of everyone on whether or not to let them back in the forum. It would be a good way to sort of "take out the trash" of the forums. :p
I say if this would ever happen we put its creator on trial. and yes i mean you. this is a lame idea you have thought of, i think you need a 3 day ban to think about it

. some people after a 3 day ban can learn what they did wrong, so this idea would not go by teaching them, it would be more of a popular (i dont like you) vote if a group of people voted to kick off a member, it would be unfair the only fair way is to let the member make the mistake to get him or her self kicked out.
Last Exile Wrote:I say if this would ever happen we put its creator on trial. and yes i mean you. this is a lame idea you have thought of, i think you need a 3 day ban to think about it
. some people after a 3 day ban can learn what they did wrong, so this idea would not go by teaching them, it would be more of a popular (i dont like you) vote if a group of people voted to kick off a member, it would be unfair the only fair way is to let the member make the mistake to get him or her self kicked out.
No one likes you or cares about your input so STOP POSTING!
Quick Marty, we must go back, to the future.
See, another 80's post. =P But back to the future is one of the greatest movie series ever made.
Cidien Wrote:See, another 80's post. =P But back to the future is one of the greatest movie series ever made.
Yes it was and so was the cartoon show. Now if only they would make a Gilligan's Isle
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Yes it was and so was the cartoon show. Now if only they would make a Gilligan's Isle
They did i saw it on tv a while back, i remember they got off the island.
babyeater0 Wrote:They did i saw it on tv a while back, i remember they got off the island.
Really? Cool. Now all we need is a Knightrider movie and an A-Team movie.