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Ok Steve, you think you're weirder aye? Well, post why. You post something (start small) then I'll try to top it.
I scratch myself in public. :mrgreen:

*points to self* Winner!!!!
scratching isn't weird... it's just bad manners.

I compulsively alphabetize book, music, and video collections while visiting friends houses... I can't help it.
As a young kid I didn't talk to many people so I gave the numbers 0 to 10 personalitys & thought of how they lived.
When asked what my favorite color was I went with White & Black, because people say those aren't color, so if I picked them I wouldn't hurt the other color's feelings!
Top that pastry boy! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
(sorry for any misspells, I'm doing home work)
Once on my day off I got into a Sailor Moon marathon. I didn't want to get up so I poured as many cereal boxes into a bowl as I could. I then proceeded to watch 15 episodes of English Sailor Moon. :mrgreen:
I ate mustard on poptarts.
I realized that when I get married, my best man is going to be a monkey in a tux. :mrgreen:
I realized that when I get married, my wife is going to rape me! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I realized that the monkey will end up raping mine. :mrgreen:
I almost stopped watching anime one time (luckly when I came to my senses I became closer to being an Otaku than ever before).
I wanted to get closer to anime. So I made it my mistress!!!! :mrgreen:
I studyed witchcraft, & currently practice Psionics
Your the man now dog.
What was the point of that?
To distract the competition. Use it wisely!!!! :mrgreen:
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