rav96 Wrote:i be like you and Batz...i hardly talk to any o my relatives they are mainly all complete t*ssers who will just backstab you coz they are jelous if you be more "successful" than they. OMG like asain soc/culture is soooo fricken lame.
im always seen as the "dark" sheep or should that be white one. ie the one that has become very "different"
all the cousin that are my age are all wannabe pricks and im the exact opposite and thus their parents think im strange...Go Figure
but they also say you are "good" coz yo get good grade and are doin a masters though secretly wanna see me fail coz there siblings are dumbass's and they dont like seeing others goin ahead
all in all 80% if not more of my relatives suck ass
I don't know much about my family...All I know is two members have won purple hearts...Don't know if they are alive or dead and that most of my family lives well I havent got a clue where...That's about it lol... My dads side of the family is the one I see the least though considering that I only see my Grandma from his side and that's it...Oh well screw em...
Dad's side of the family=the half business half backwaterish
Mom's side of the family= rednecks :S
I know little of both sides, but more about my dad's & I'm in no hurry to lean anything else of them.
Batz Kage Wrote:Dad's side of the family=the half business half backwaterish
Mom's side of the family= rednecks :S
I know little of both sides, but more about my dad's & I'm in no hurry to lean anything else of them.
LOL Learning about family is boring...So who cares about knowing about their family theres no point...
Puppet Master Wrote:LOL Learning about family is boring...So who cares about knowing about their family theres no point...
Less one of 'ems rich and about to kick the bucket

rav96 Wrote:all in all 80% if not more of my relatives suck ass
Really? Exact opposite here, only immediate family is like that. The rest of my family,
cousins and such are actually cool people. Don't get to see them much though. Anyway
just now got brought ot my attention that this topic was already posted. exscuse my
temporary blindness, Happy Thanksgiving all. Hopefully we all do well on our finals when
we return.
*Ugh gets sick just thinking about it*