Hello!!, I made a matching set but I can not figure out for the life of me how to put it on :confused: .I will attach the banner and maybe someone can help and explain how to me.Thank you for all your help.and I very much hope this fits under general babble..Marie ^_^
Edit- I am kinda board so if anyone wants me to try and make a banner and a matching avator.Let me know what series from or what character and I will do my best.Oh! and also what size...Thanks so much ^_^
Okay blight told me this, make a freewebs account and transfer the image onto the page, then in the signature go to guided mode and click on the image icon (the mountain) and copy/paste the url (you may need to copy/paste the url before clicking on the icon)
nice banners they look cool

they're both far too tall.
kakomu Wrote:they're both far too tall.
Really, oh well I made a few other ones.Let me know if these are ok.and thank you for the nice complament Puppet Master and for the help BE but I tried to make a web page and failed.

but maybe there is another way.

I will see.....Marie
Here are the rest that I have so far.I hope I can get one of the sets on her.Marie ^_^
Also if your going to post those images.. You need to find a free web hosting.. i think there are a few for images directly. Search the forums think its been posted before.. but also convert them to gif or png before you link them.. makes them smaller. Also if they have more then 256 colors then i would use Png instead of gif..
Schultz Wrote:Also if your going to post those images.. You need to find a free web hosting.. i think there are a few for images directly. Search the forums think its been posted before.. but also convert them to gif or png before you link them.. makes them smaller. Also if they have more then 256 colors then i would use Png instead of gif..
I am sorry,you can delete this thread because I don't have any idea what or how to convert a file or how much color there is to the pictures.. :confused:

hehe i am sure some people can help yea.. All you need to do is load them into your paint program you use.. or MS Paint works jsut file.. and go file->save as and choose PNG or Gif as your extension..
Ok,I changed the type.Thank you for your help.also I have never heard of web hosting.What may I ask should I look for or go to? Marie ^_^
Do you mean like imageshack.us
wrxh8r Wrote:Do you mean like imageshack.us
Yea like that.. ;o)
Thank you for all your help Schultz.Hehe,now I have a banner and a matching avator.I removed most of my attactments.If you like I will remove the last ones.Thanks again evryone for the help.I would never of figured out all that on my own.Zag was alot of help tp thank to his post.Thank you if you read this...Marie

nah thats ok.. you can keep them there..