That time to buy gifts is quickly approaching and a lot of good games have come out lately so which gift do you think you will be giving to yourself this year. There are a lot so I just went with the ones I thought were best and left the ?other? category for those not mentioned. I'm voting for Baten Kaitos. It's from the same people that did Xenosaga so sign me up!
I put other because lately ive been playing old games...That and I havent played MGS 3...I own GTA and Halo 2 sorta sucked + my bro owns it... LMAO Number of reasons

I pit metroid prime 2 on the account of the first KICKING SOO MUCH ASS! Plus you can never go wrong with metroid.
I really want the new PoP, but also really want Burnout 3. That game freaking owns.
I chose MGS3:SE, while GTA:SA would be a close 2nd.
I voted for MGS3 because the European version will have extra's (Muhahahaha!). By the way babyeater0 I am not sure if I should Metroid Prime 2. Is it a good game? The first game was okay (I only played it for an hour) but if you died then you start back at the start. So how much better is part 2? Can you use the old power's like running super fast?
Im Want Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 i would of got them when they first came out but i have had to save my money for school this coming semester. so they are on my list.
A psp would be nice with lumines which is apparently in english(only jpn title that is) however since that is nigh on imposible i think id rather go back and play some older games i never got round to playing like katamari damacy.Other than that anything rpg