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Anyone that has seen big o, could you guys tell me what you thought of the ending and then how you felt about the series after seeing the end. It was somewhat open and a little depressing so I would like to hear everyones thoughts.
Just Big O, or Big O 2 as well?
its all one series they just split it up in to 13 and 13 episodes. the ending was ok it was a good and deep anime great story. sunrise did a great job. i look at it as a batman style anime dark and the animations look. great title. they should of carried it on longer.

Well, Big O was over after ?season one?. They just convinced the makers to continue the brand. Which is why the ending of "season one" is the way it is; it was supposed to be the end of the show. "Season two" is actually considered a sequel series because it was conceived after the end of Big O. That was why I posed my question the way I did. Some people consider it one 26 esp. series and others see it as really two 13 episode shows, original and sequel.
I did not know that they had ended it and then continued after the fact. Well that makes a difference I guess but did anyone find the end confusing, I found it depressing even though I really liked the series as a whole.
Yeah it can be confusing if you saw it in splotches. It is kind of weird with the whole memories thing, but I liked it. Even though the end was appropriate, I wasn?t very appreciative of it either; I felt there was more they could've done with it to bring closer to the series.
I agree, they left you feeling empty and could have given it a more closed and explained or obvoius ending. Although I have found that there are a lot of writers who leave things up to the viewers to decide and I prefer not to have to complete it in my mind.