shugotenshi Wrote:You are sooo lucky !
I would pay a fairly amount of money to have this special release of Casshern in my region (dvd region 1 ->*Quebec (oooh, political issue here)). Well, you'll have the obligation to tell me if it is as good as it seems ! please ? 
Of course I will! I'll even rip the movie and send it to you if you want (you'll have to wait until Christmas though). But, you can watch region 2 dvds in Quebec you know? There are ways of doing that.
Andromeda18_ Wrote:Me? Yeah, I'm into fighting movies as well. However they need to have a good story, they can't be just about fighting or I'll get bored. I'm rather fond of samurai movies because of all the sword fights.
My boyfriend's brothers are going to give him the 3 dvd special edition of Casshern for Christmas, I can't wait to watch it!
Sugoi!!! about 99% of females i know cant stand fighting or kung fu movies. i personally love them
obviously the awesome cinematographic and choreographed ones
also the dodgy bad crappy dubbed 70's ones
they are like uber bad they are good! like best post pub entertainment awesome to get drunk to oh and dodgy 70's zombie movies

Andromeda18_ Wrote:Of course I will! I'll even rip the movie and send it to you if you want (you'll have to wait until Christmas though). But, you can watch region 2 dvds in Quebec you know? There are ways of doing that.
That would be more than great ! I'll have a debt to repay, and I'm not the kind of guy who forget about his debts.
I know we can read other Region's DVD, but some friends and I tend to share our DVD collection, and even if I could buy a region-free dvd player or tweak my dvd-rom, I would be pretty much the only one who could read it, that's why I usually go on Region 1 or Region-free DVDs.
So If there is anything I could do in exchange, just tell me.
shugotenshi Wrote:I'll have a debt to repay, and I'm not the kind of guy who forget about his debts.

a Gentleman...a dying breed in this age
and Andro18 just use DVD shrink and make it region 0
sounds like gentlemanly material..
im to brutally honest at times to ever be one...
girl "am i ugly"
Rav "Gdam that stick hit you hard"

j/k offcourse :p
shugotenshi Wrote:That would be more than great ! I'll have a debt to repay, and I'm not the kind of guy who forget about his debts.
I'll mail it to you after Christmas then but don't even think about repaying me. Ripping a dvd is no trouble at all!

rav96 Wrote:Sugoi!!! about 99% of females i know cant stand fighting or kung fu movies. i personally love them
obviously the awesome cinematographic and choreographed ones
also the dodgy bad crappy dubbed 70's ones
yeah i don't think i know a girl who likes kung fu movies, and the old 70 movies are awesome!!! one of my favorites is "he has nothing but kung fu" hahahaha
hey!! I just found out that the movie "fighter in the wind" was based on a true story of Sosai Masutatsu Oyama the founder of Kyokushinkai Karate.
You can read the history here >>
He's one of the toughes guy in the world and "yes" he did fought with bulls and defeated them.