11-15-2004, 02:48 PM
Pages: 1 2
11-15-2004, 03:09 PM
Ask Vicious, he's the answer man. Anything you need to know he will always answer with a smile.
11-15-2004, 07:38 PM
No, there never will be. Now go buy the manga if you care.
11-15-2004, 11:14 PM
must this question forever haunt me

the manga rocks
must this question forever haunt me

the manga rocks
11-16-2004, 12:32 AM
rav96 Wrote:ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
must this question forever haunt me
the manga rocks
It will haunt you forever because your CURSED! Muahahahaha

11-16-2004, 06:15 AM
Damn.... why must the rest of us pay for Rav's curse...
What does it take to lift the curse from Rav so the rest of us may some day see an animated continuation to Beserk?
What does it take to lift the curse from Rav so the rest of us may some day see an animated continuation to Beserk?
11-16-2004, 11:52 AM
I have an idea. Zagatto, go find find Rav's address. I'll go get us a couple torches and pitchforks and....
11-16-2004, 12:41 PM
whoisthis Wrote:does any one know if there is a 2nd season to Berserk
Yes there is. Reason you don't see it is because they renamed the 2nd season "Trouble Chocolate". So go and look fo an anime titled Trouble Chocolate and that shall solve all your problems.
11-16-2004, 01:07 PM
Just looked at the Berserk perfect collection set coming out. Oddly, it has "season one" written on the front of the box. Think the bastards are teasing us!
11-16-2004, 01:24 PM
Cidien Wrote:I have an idea. Zagatto, go find find Rav's address. I'll go get us a couple torches and pitchforks and....Touch my Ravinder & Die!!!!!!!
It will really suck if there isn't a second season

11-16-2004, 04:53 PM
lol my ikle Richard
and allright then you lot
i bear the brand...
and forever am tormented by the undying thus you guys will be a synche
*weilds the dragon slayer*
my dwarfen armour shall let out the Blood Beast!!!
I will fight beyond my limits
and will get a white hair quiff in return
and allright then you lot
i bear the brand...
and forever am tormented by the undying thus you guys will be a synche
*weilds the dragon slayer*
my dwarfen armour shall let out the Blood Beast!!!
I will fight beyond my limits
and will get a white hair quiff in return

11-16-2004, 04:55 PM
Vicious Wrote:Yes there is. Reason you don't see it is because they renamed the 2nd season "Trouble Chocolate". So go and look fo an anime titled Trouble Chocolate and that shall solve all your problems.

your knowledge astounds

11-16-2004, 06:10 PM
Vicious Wrote:So go and look fo an anime titled Trouble Chocolate and that shall solve all your problems.Hmmm, sounded like a hentai title, so I looked up reviews on it... very disappointing.
11-16-2004, 06:42 PM
Nina182B Wrote:Hmmm, sounded like a hentai title, so I looked up reviews on it... very disappointing.
It was pretty much the worst title I could think of. But we weren't supposed to tell him that.
11-16-2004, 07:30 PM
shhhhhhhhhhhhh you can still try and plug it...
wo0t Trouble Chocolate
plus it couldnt be as bad as I''s my god for any of the manga fans the anime was a travesty
wo0t Trouble Chocolate
plus it couldnt be as bad as I''s my god for any of the manga fans the anime was a travesty

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