Does anyone know of any station that plays Anime other than Cartoon Network with Adult Swim/Toonami? I have heard theres others on Digital Cable and all that but I don't know when or where to look exactly...Any help would be apperciated I live in the Central time zone thank you...

Tech TV does I think at 3 my time.
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:Tech TV does I think at 3 my time.
What days? If it's the same here itll probally be 5 my time I believe...
They(Tech/G4) showed R.O.D. The TV for about five hours last Sunday. But I don't think thats normal. If you have digital, does that mean you have on demand? That's where I get most of my free anime. Or if you get a Starz package, they have an action channel that plays different anime either Fri or Sat nights.
WandererX12 Wrote:They(Tech/G4) showed R.O.D. The TV for about five hours last Sunday. But I don't think thats normal. If you have digital, does that mean you have on demand? That's where I get most of my free anime. Or if you get a Starz package, they have an action channel that plays different anime either Fri or Sat nights.
at what time? I have a shitload of channels too many to name lol
Puppet Master Wrote:at what time? I have a shitload of channels too many to name lol
On mine it is for an hour. They never telol what animes they are showing either they just
show name for it. So you are in for a surprise whrn you watch it.
Ryo of Inferno Wrote:On mine it is for an hour. They never telol what animes they are showing either they just
show name for it. So you are in for a surprise whrn you watch it.
Nice....I like seeing different ones actcually gives me more of an idea of what's good...That's why I downloaded an episoide of Hellsing a while back UNFORTUNATELY it wasnt the first...It was the fourth same with Berserk lol
here you go:
Crapy kid anime (digimon, one piece, F Zero,...) Sat morrnings
Good stuff 2 epsiodes a night right now showing* (*Gad Guard, ROD, Gungrave, last exile, gate keepers 21, mostly geneon titles) every night mountain time : 10pm and again at 1am
Action channel:
a diffrent array every month is diffrent (Blue seed, fist of north star, street fighter, vandred, hellsing, heavy metal, bubble gum crissis, burn up excess, ...) air on firdays and tuesday.
a slew of cartoons including anime on Fri-SAt at night mostly: (heat guy j, anime movies forgot which ones)
that should help you.
Last Exile Wrote:here you go:
Crapy kid anime (digimon, one piece, F Zero,...) Sat morrnings
Good stuff 2 epsiodes a night right now showing* (*Gad Guard, ROD, Gungrave, last exile, gate keepers 21, mostly geneon titles) every night mountain time : 10pm and again at 1am
Action channel:
a diffrent array every month is diffrent (Blue seed, fist of north star, street fighter, vandred, hellsing, heavy metal, bubble gum crissis, burn up excess, ...) air on firdays and tuesday.
a slew of cartoons including anime on Fri-SAt at night mostly: (heat guy j, anime movies forgot which ones)
that should help you.
Nice now I will have to make sure to watch em