Choose or be eaten by a zombie!
Resident Evil for me.

Fatal Frame
RE sucks i hate the controls.
Resident Evil from what ive played...Well first one and Nemesis anyways...
I have never played any of those. Man, im out of loop.
Silent Hill, it dances on all the other games and then drags them down in a rusty basement with strange sounds thats really dark and tortures them to death in the worst possible way. Why? Because Silent Hill is just that damn good

I voted Eternal Darkness because the game will turn the sound down on you and shit. It's just really freaky at times.
Parasite Eve, Resident Evil, and The Suffering were decent played normal versions of all but the Suffering played a demo...But Silent Hill the controls ruined it for me I had a hard time with them at the time forgot why...
Ryujin Wrote:Silent Hill, it dances on all the other games and then drags them down in a rusty basement with strange sounds thats really dark and tortures them to death in the worst possible way. Why? Because Silent Hill is just that damn good 
I agree. Silent Hill is scary in a way that no other game can even achieve.
Crimson Butterfly: Fatal Frame 2
RE for me to although I like the Silent Hill series a lot to.
the first silent hill was great the others have been less so
probably coz ive gone older since the first one came out
and now
Have nerves of STEEL