11-12-2004, 08:59 AM
11-12-2004, 09:12 AM
I love Chinese food. And Pasta, the Atkins diet would kill me if I ever had to go on it because I love bread and carbs in general. I only eat like once a day but when I eat I eat a hell of a lot.
11-12-2004, 02:30 PM
Andromeda18 Wrote:Give me sushi and you'll get me to do just about anything!
Hmmmm I wonder if Vicious will notice this.
11-12-2004, 04:28 PM
lol that will be interesting 

11-12-2004, 04:50 PM
Yeah I like huma............ Oh shit! Yeah, I like vegetables thats it. No not really, I like see food. I see food I eat it. That is why I am trying the Damn Atkins diet again. (Stupid Fuckin Shit that Atkins diet)
11-13-2004, 12:09 AM
mmmmmmmm FOOD!!!
i miss fresh sushi from Japan...
that \m/'d
i miss fresh sushi from Japan...
that \m/'d
11-13-2004, 12:43 PM
Banishing_Blade Wrote:Yeah I like huma............ Oh shit! Yeah, I like vegetables thats it. No not really, I like see food. I see food I eat it. That is why I am trying the Damn Atkins diet again. (Stupid Fuckin Shit that Atkins diet)
Don't do the Atkins diet, that stuff is anything but good. You might say there's a bunch of people who did it and are now thin but the truth is that happens because in reality they're not consuming many calories. In fact, whether it works or not isn't even the problem. That shit is bad for your health, do you have any idea how long your body takes to process meat and dairy? A bit of cheese will take 18 hours to digest while vegetables will only take 4 hours. Not to mention meat is filled with toxines that cause cancer and other diseases. And I'm not even going to mention the hundreds of nutritionists around the world who say that diet will increase the risk of cardio-vascular diseases.
You want to lose weight? Eat lots of vegetables, fruit (no more than 4/5 pieces a day), carbs (with moderation), dairy (if you're an adult you need to drink 3 glasses of milk per day to avoid osteoporosis), fish (preferably) and meat (while on a diet eat either of these only once a day). Workout 3/4 days a week for about 1 hour and you'll end up losing weight (it's important that you eat less calories than you need but don't exagerate). Losing 1 or 2 pounds per week is ideal.
But the best way to lose weight and stay thin is to eat healthily all the time, not just go on a diet for a couple of months. Balance is the key, if you eat healthily (on a daily basis) you'll be healthy and you'll be able to eat things like McDonald's (once or twice a week) without gaining weight.
rav96 Wrote:mmmmmmmm FOOD!!!
i miss fresh sushi from Japan...
that \m/'d
That's the good thing about Portugal, you can get fresh fish easily and because of that the sushi is delicious.

11-13-2004, 01:27 PM
Banishing_Blade Wrote:Yeah I like huma............ Oh shit! Yeah, I like vegetables thats it. No not really, I like see food. I see food I eat it. That is why I am trying the Damn Atkins diet again. (Stupid Fuckin Shit that Atkins diet)
LMAO....The See food diet ha-ha....Sounds a lot like my way too LMAO...I see food I eat it same way in my house LOL...You should see my dad though he eats all times of the night when he sees food it's not a good thing just bizzare lol...
11-13-2004, 10:38 PM
to add to Andomeda's advice best time to do excercise is...
First thing in the morning before eating...
thats when you will burn the most calories
anyother time of the day has less of a aclorie burning benefit but the cardio benefit remains
now if only i could follow my own advice and shift the belly and ass i have gotten lately
plus best to Train aswell coz muscle burns more calories even when sitting on your ass
First thing in the morning before eating...
thats when you will burn the most calories
anyother time of the day has less of a aclorie burning benefit but the cardio benefit remains
now if only i could follow my own advice and shift the belly and ass i have gotten lately

plus best to Train aswell coz muscle burns more calories even when sitting on your ass

11-13-2004, 10:54 PM
Hey thanks for all the avice.
I will take it all into concideration and see what I want to do next. I did not do all that much research but I knew a few people that went on it and lost weight. So I decided to try it myself. But now I know some of the down falls and will propbably adjust myself accordingly.

11-13-2004, 11:10 PM
rav96 Wrote:to add to Andomeda's advice best time to do excercise is...
First thing in the morning before eating...
thats when you will burn the most calories
anyother time of the day has less of a aclorie burning benefit but the cardio benefit remains
now if only i could follow my own advice and shift the belly and ass i have gotten lately
plus best to Train aswell coz muscle burns more calories even when sitting on your ass
Ill have to get back to weight lifting then....

11-14-2004, 01:24 PM
Damn. I was looking at the migraine management guide my doctor gave me on my last visit and there is a list of food and chemicals a mile long I?m supposed to avoid. In fact, if the list had actually been of the things I can eat it would probably have been shorter. Even worse it said no alcohol. If I can?t have fettuccine I better be able to have my Southern Comfort and Smirnoff; I?ll let my damned head explode before I give up both.
11-15-2004, 04:11 AM
rav96 Wrote:to add to Andomeda's advice best time to do excercise is...
First thing in the morning before eating...
thats when you will burn the most calories
Just don't do that if you're hypoglycemic! You'll go down so fast you won't even know what hit you.
Puppet Master Wrote:Ill have to get back to weight lifting then....
Rav's right, the more muscle you have the easier it will be to lose weight and stay that way. Just don't turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger! :p
11-15-2004, 10:42 PM
ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT WHEN YOU STOP and get fed up of the regime like i did...
in a nut shell i followed 6 meals a day roughly every 3hours...
mainly 150g of protien a day mainly tuna and chicken and redkidney beans etc
and obviuosly training... and cardio
before hand i was a fat kid whilst growing up till i cracked and lived in the gym for like a year or soo..then i became scarwny thin
thus after a couple of ears i began to train
then i got fed up totally and gave up for over a year... as of like Easter 2003
you lose muscle 3 times quicker than you gain it..and each time you try to regain it your body ups the threshold...
plus hanging to a diet of beer and kebabs lead to the big gut...eek ahhhhhhh bEER is to nice! Whyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!11
now ive been trying to get back into it but at a less strict stye so as to never get fed up of it again...eek gettin motivated to shift the belly and arse and train again is soo hard coz i gotta get myself to motivated for uni ontop
ahhhhhhhhhh i used to be able to bench 164lbs easily and did 200-225lbs MRep ^_^
now i an barely bench 80-90lbs
im pune mister (welll not that bad more muscle than the average joe) and fat now ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
so when you train
or NeVER GIVe up fully likE I Did!!!
you'll Regret it big time!!!
and yeah in the mornings is best if your not diabetic etc plus if that cat be done...
atleast dont eat anything 1 hour before ad 1 hour after cardio to shift those calories...
plus im gonna tell you all the secret to a six pack!!!
its just low bady fat around the mid section...
all thsoe machines and abb rollers etc are all Bollocks they do harden and tone the area...but it will be in vain if you still reatin fat there...
and the way to that is shifting fat via cardio...you cant spot shift flab...if only

ONLY PROBLEM IS THAT WHEN YOU STOP and get fed up of the regime like i did...
in a nut shell i followed 6 meals a day roughly every 3hours...
mainly 150g of protien a day mainly tuna and chicken and redkidney beans etc
and obviuosly training... and cardio
before hand i was a fat kid whilst growing up till i cracked and lived in the gym for like a year or soo..then i became scarwny thin

then i got fed up totally and gave up for over a year... as of like Easter 2003
you lose muscle 3 times quicker than you gain it..and each time you try to regain it your body ups the threshold...
plus hanging to a diet of beer and kebabs lead to the big gut...eek ahhhhhhh bEER is to nice! Whyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!11
now ive been trying to get back into it but at a less strict stye so as to never get fed up of it again...eek gettin motivated to shift the belly and arse and train again is soo hard coz i gotta get myself to motivated for uni ontop
ahhhhhhhhhh i used to be able to bench 164lbs easily and did 200-225lbs MRep ^_^
now i an barely bench 80-90lbs

im pune mister (welll not that bad more muscle than the average joe) and fat now ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
so when you train
or NeVER GIVe up fully likE I Did!!!
you'll Regret it big time!!!
and yeah in the mornings is best if your not diabetic etc plus if that cat be done...
atleast dont eat anything 1 hour before ad 1 hour after cardio to shift those calories...
plus im gonna tell you all the secret to a six pack!!!
its just low bady fat around the mid section...
all thsoe machines and abb rollers etc are all Bollocks they do harden and tone the area...but it will be in vain if you still reatin fat there...
and the way to that is shifting fat via cardio...you cant spot shift flab...if only

11-17-2004, 11:07 AM
rav96 Wrote:before hand i was a fat kid whilst growing up till i cracked and lived in the gym for like a year or soo..then i became scarwny thinthus after a couple of ears i began to train
then i got fed up totally and gave up for over a year... as of like Easter 2003
you lose muscle 3 times quicker than you gain it..and each time you try to regain it your body ups the threshold...
I did the same when I was 17, I lived in the gym! I was there everyday and spent the whole afternoon there. 2 years later I got bored and stopped for a year. Fortunately no matter how lazy I am I don't put on any weight, but then again I'm only 22 so my metabolism is still pretty fast. Stopping for a year was actually good, I needed to lose some muscle in my arms. For some weird reason I gain a lot of muscle in my arms, that's why nowdays I'm very careful when it comes to that area.