11-16-2004, 03:53 PM
Ryujin Wrote:Hmm...true most people are biased in some form or another, but that is not the point here. Firstly nobody "owns" an industry just because they did things early or started something, I mean Nintendo tried to put Atari out of bussiness and they succeeded and Atari tried the same to those that came before it. But I don't hear you (or anyone for that matter) crying about Atari.
That is simple business practice, if a company has made bad decisions and a different compnay comes along offering a better product (techinally anyway), then why should the older company somehow get special treatment or preferentiality? Simply because its older? If Nintendo have made alot of bad decisions and can't sell games to gamers then they deserve to go out of business, its nobody's fault but Nintendo's. Sure it would be a loss to the games industry, but big deal, companies go bankrupt all the time. Now I'm not saying that is going to happen, or is happening right now, I'm just saying in general.
Also your views on M$ prove to me that you are not that well informed and jump on the popular opinion band wagon. You see, its not Microsoft but Sony who are currently monopolising the hardware market, and have been doing so for a number of years now, which is obvious to anyone who bothers to simply look around, the evidence is in plain sight. Yet, I don't see you cursing Sony, or the Playstation brand for "killing" your "beloved" Nintendo.
You see Microsoft may monopolise the operating system market, but that is totally different from console hardware. So from their PC image, you see Microsoft as some kind of evil faceless corporation tyrant who is out to take over the gaming market for themselves and wants to kill all competiton and take over your soul. But if thats how you view it, then seeing as Sony has the most popular machine, wouldn't they be the ones doing it?
As for monopolising the market, every company in the world wants to be the sole provider for their market, its common sense, more market = more money. So just as you have taken someone elses image of Microsoft from a different market and twisted it around into an evil tyrant bent on market domination, then you must also view Nintendo as the plucky underdog, fighting the good fight against the evil corporations, delivering the last bastion of "real" gaming for the remaining few "true" gamers who are smart enough to buy their console. And as we know, everyone loves an underdog.
But in reality, Nintendo is a fallen tyrant of old, by your logic anyway. In the 8-bit era they monopolised the gaming market, brought in countless illegal and under the table business practices, bringing in rules that any company that makes a game for their console can never EVER make ANY game for any other console, these practices were later found to be illegal by the High-Court as they breached fair trade and competition laws. Yet, I didn't see you, defender of justice, starting any anti-Nintendo campaigns. Hell, I bet you didn't even know about any of this.
And yet you claim to be "loyal" to a company that you don't even know anything about really. I mean why have this misplaced loyalty to a company that just wants your money? like all companies. Nintendo doesn't care about you, your family, your likes and dislikes, all they care about is your money, like any other company. What do you think your loyalty will be somehow rewarded? will they suddenly give you a job for it? will they pey your rent when you really need it? will they pay your hospital bills and find you a girlfriend? No, nothing like that. so why be loyal to an organisiation that just wants your money?
I mean are you "loyal" to the company you buy lightbulbs from? and say "I love these lightbulbs, but I hate Lightbulb company B, they are evil and want to take over the market". Do you see people argueing over what lightbulb is best in a playground-esque days of the console wars style? no. Nor do you care who supplies your electricity, water, gas etc.. I don't see anyone with any particularly strong feelings one way or the other towards their electric company.
So having "loyalty" to a console/company and disliking another for the sole reason that it is not the one your loyal to is just stupid, and which is why I said "grow up and get over yourself" because it shows a very childish, immature and narrow-minded mentality on your part. Having loyalty to anyone or anything that just wants your money is stupid. Would you be loyal to your local con-man and not get conned by anyone else just because he knocked on your door first?.
So in conclusion, to have preferences is one thing, everyone does, there is nothing wrong with that, its just having an opinion. But to have a pre-decided like or dislike of something without knowing much about it at all, and without leaving any room that you could be wrong or simply judging things as they come, for no seriously valid reason. This is to be biased, and this is what I dislike about the games industry, the Nintendo breed of fanboy is especially bad, probably the worst around, and to be honest it pisses off non-biased people like myself who constantly have to defend things and try and make people see things as they are.
First of all I would like to compliment you on all the good points you have made. Next I
will try and dispute them one by one. Ok here goes...alot of the oppinion has to do with
the fact of what system, sports player, etc, you grew up with. As for the Atari I believe it
was a fair match with Nintendo I don't know becausee I just inherited it and the NES both
from my older siblings. I do agree with your second point however that if a company
makes bad decisions then it is no fault but their own. As for me not cursing Sony for
monopolising the hardware market it is simply because I view them as an equal to
Nintendo and could accept Nintendo's defeat at the hands of Sony. Microsoft however,
Was the newbie that jumped in and interrupted what I held as the sacred dual between
Nintendo and Sony. I am ok with Microsofts PC image but when they try to take over the
console business that is altogether different. When this happened the natural balance the
order in the gaming world became Chaos as an outsider seemed to be trying to control
both PC and Console games. A for Nintendo being the old tyrant that may be true as
busines is business or so they say. I might not have known all about what you were
talking about with the illegal stuff and all as I was probably too young at the time but, oh
well. In your seventh point I can see your logic as it does not benefit me one bit, however
it is a discomforting thought that something that you grew up with, that you thought would
always be there might dissapear. I don't know if you understand this concept or not but I
will try to make you understand in this reply to your next point. You say I should grow up
and get over myself because my loyalty is stupid? People her in the US once said that
about patriotism but that didn't stop me from showing it. Call it loyalty, call it gullibility,
call it passion, call it a sort of patriotism, the fact is that Microsoft didn't need to get into
the console business. It is a big enough corporation already. Heck I remember when
people used to joke around who would rule the world first. The choices were Disney,
Starbucks, and Microsoft. The point is that Microsoft seems to be in this for the fun of it
while Sony and Nintendo take this seriously. As for your con-man reference have you
ever heard the phrase, choosing the evil you know over the one you don't know. That is
the way I view Nintendo and Microsoft. I know I could be wrong and I never did insit I was
right. You accuse me of being a Nintendo "fanboy?" The truth is I actually enjoy games for
both Nintendo and from Sony. I have both systems as I like variety. However the fact still
remains that Microsoft is the newer company to the console gaming systems. If I sound
biased then I ams orry that you feel that way. However when you grow up with something
and you really enjoy it and a newcomer comes in and shifts the scales a little I'd like to
see how you react. You claim I'm judging things for no reason? All I see is that Nintendo
has become the underdog you mentioned because they weren't prepared for a 2 on 1 with
both Sony and Microsoft. I doubt that anyone would be. However it seems that you are
biased in a way as it seems you have something either against Nintendo or possibly Sony.
I could be wrong. The point is that people have differing vies on different subject and it is
wrong to assume the reason they have that view is so easily explained. I would like to see
your post on this as it seems to be turning into an interesting debate. Anyway that is all I
have to say for now.