The final version of Firefox 1.0 was officially released today. Those of you who use Internet Explorer as your browser might want to check it out. It?s more stable. It has better security, that is, less susceptible to spywares and hacking. It includes a popup blocker. It?s free. All in all, I think it?s superior to Internet Explorer.
Hopefully the bugs i've been dealing with have been probably would have been solved had i tried to find a patch...
gohan32 Wrote:Hopefully the bugs i've been dealing with have been probably would have been solved had i tried to find a patch...
Just curious what type of bugs you run into when using Firefox? i have been using it exclusivly ever since it was version .4 (still named Phoenix) and i really don't know any problems that make me not use it. Only problem i hate is when they update xpi api and extensions don't work and need to be updated..
well I had 1.0 PR and sometimes it would go buck wild and use up a ton of my ram and all 99% of my ressoruces and I had to restart firefox for it to get back to normal. The final version is working OK so far.
And I would personally like to thank Schultz, it was his signature that lead me to try out firefox and I dont think I'll ever go back.
One other thing, it doesn't display this site correctly. Somehow, the display is aligned towards the left. And also, all the smiley faces are not available for post edit functions. I am thinking that it has to do with the popup blocker.
yea i know that.. but when i fixed it to work.. IE had a major problem of centering every damn post on the whole forums.. So really annoyed users.. So the few items that are left aligned in Firefox don't bother me that much.. while the centering of posts annoys alot of people.. You can blam IE for all the problems..
the only time i have had Firefox go crazy is when i try and use a MS embedded video.. which then it uses WMP and well WMP and Firefox don't work together that well. hehe
I wanna get it but heck the server is always too busy. I guess I'll keep using the preview. I just don't like the fact that firefox has this problem sometimes where it eats up ram and I have to wait a min or so for it to full initialize. My comp acts the same way with java apps and applets.
tsunami Wrote:I wanna get it but heck the server is always too busy. I guess I'll keep using the preview. I just don't like the fact that firefox has this problem sometimes where it eats up ram and I have to wait a min or so for it to full initialize. My comp acts the same way with java apps and applets.
Hum you should search around for some mirrors.. and i also like to use there http server for downloads just go to and browse to the releases.. But for some info about the slow to iniitalize.. if you leave something in the background for a little while.. Windows will automaticlly swap it out to disk cache to free up some RAM.. but the problem with this is when you bring it back.. it takes a little bit for it to move back into RAM so you can use this.. (And just FYI IE also suffers from this also since its windows causing it) but another thing you can do is this..
you can alter it so it doesn't use as much memory with its cache.. with will make the other problem less significant.
Just got a notice that firefox version .8 and.9 sometimes "fail" to download things after the download finishes.
Funny, the only time i've EVER had a download say failed after it got done downloading is my Firefox 1.0 download....
I was just checking out the Mozilla home page and it looks like there are going to be Firefox launch parties in cities around the globe. I checked the schedule and there is going to be two this coming weekend within an hour of my house.
Now I'm debating if whether or not I want to go and be that much of a total geek or not. On the one hand it IS a party and both of them are being held in bars. On the other hand, I'm curious about what sort of person goes to a party just because a new program was released on the internet...
I'd go because of the latter reason. It's probably a couple super nerds and a lot of normal people like you.

Zagatto Wrote:I was just checking out the Mozilla home page and it looks like there are going to be Firefox launch parties in cities around the globe. I checked the schedule and there is going to be two this coming weekend within an hour of my house.
Now I'm debating if whether or not I want to go and be that much of a total geek or not. On the one hand it IS a party and both of them are being held in bars. On the other hand, I'm curious about what sort of person goes to a party just because a new program was released on the internet...
My bets people looking for free beer
Anyone know how to change the stored names/password for a specific web page that firefox saves? Ebay recently erased my password and now I had to make one with letters AND numbers... hate sites that are doing that... and now I have my old password saved on my comp and have to type the new one every time.