Hi i have the Orginal set and EoE and Death and Rebirth(which i considered a HUGE RIPPOFF only worth somthing for the MAGI archives) and i was wondering is the directors cut DVD's (2) worth geting because of the new scenes ?? im only lookin for a few answers like where adam is which i read was in ikari's hand??? but if anyone has any insite on what would be recommended if you already own the orginal collection that would be awsome!!!
i just dont know if i should just get the directors cuts of 21-23 and 24-26 or start collecting the platinum even tho i herd there is nothing really new other than some video enhacments which doesnt really matter to me!!!! also on the directors cuts the new scenes are not on the deaht and rebirth dvd are they??
im leaning my way towards just geitn the 2 director cuts dvds and i can finally finish my Dvd NGE collection
thanks aBunch
Get the 2nd directors cut.
I'm collecting the platinum right now because
1) I want to see the difference in the video and
2) The box for platinum is the best looking anime box ever made.
Cidien you the man!!! You always answer my questions much respect!!!!!
but just to clarify things get the 2nd directors cut??
do u mean get only the 2nd dvd of the 2 dvd directors cuts??
or just get them both????
Also Death an Rebirth doesnt contain those scene's off the @ directors cuts DVD's right??
Get Neon Genesis Evangelion: Directors' Cut: Genesis Reborn for sure. These contain the final episodes and are much better than the original prodcast that was put in the box set.
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Directors' Cut: Resurrection would be cool to get too, but to me, isn't as essential as getting Reborn. If you have the money get it, if not you won't be missing a whole lot. If you start collecting the platinum (which will only be 7 dvd's total) it will contain all the directors cut episodes on these two dvd's.
sorry to cut in, but since you were talkign about Eva I was obligated to brign this up. Somethign I found seemed very odd to me. I read somewhere that Shinji had a girlfriend later on but nowhere in the series did I see this. They were nto talking about the alternate reality either. Does anyone know what the hell this is?
It is an odd picture that I found. The I continued reading and it said it was from the game. Do these look like game graphics to you? :eek: I am so confused.
WOW, I just saw the pictures.. it makes me really want to play the game just to see what happened to them and this new girl.
Neon Games are all pretty much choose what to do and watch what happens type games the only one ive seena nd herd about that looks good is the one for N64 im gonna buy it for christmas it looks reallly good heres a link to some screens and info
A bit odd for game graphics though. I must find it.
Those look like images from the Sega Saturn game EVA Iron Maiden.
I'd think Shinji would get together with Asuka before anyone else... but those scenes are probably just cutscenes.
there not cut scenes i did some serching and there acutal screens of the video game for saturn and playstation acutally there is 2 in that series its calle NGE iron maiden 1 and 2 its just a dating game where shinji gets a girlfriend..
man every game i see is either lika choosw what to do and watch what happens basicly like watchin the show , or some sort of day in the life with rei and askua , and even card games the only acutal fighting / adventure games i can find are
NGE N64 and NGE 2 For PS2
im lookin up info on the PS2 game from what i here its a addition to the NGE story that takes place inbetween eps 23 and EoE
Neon Genesis: Evangelion 2- Playstation 2 -
A combo battle-RPG game where you get to control either Shinji, Rei, Asuka, Gendo or Kaworu. You have the ability to freely explore the world of Evangelion and interact with other characters from the Anime. Depending on your actions, certain events and battles may occur.
it looks like its playable for english but not as excessable as the N64 game but heres some screens for the NGE 2 Game.
Super Robot Taisen Alpha (PS1) has some cool scenes with EVA's in it and they actually fight and stuff, great game series

Also Alpha 2 was released on the PS2 a while ago I think, should be cool.
Other than that most EVA games I know about are not worth your time really...
Can someone help clarify this. I own the Anime Studio copy of NGE. Is it the same as the MI/AC version? Which has the 4 Dir cut episodes. Reviews of the set do not shed any light?