Just wondering what people thought was the best Gundam game, I myself only have :
Gundam Fedaration vs Zeon PS2
Gundam Battle Assualt 2 PS1
and was wondering what other people thnk of them and what other good gundam games there are??
I have Federation vs Zeon and Journey to Jaburo for PS2. Journey is better because of all the actual scenes from the show and better story explanation. They both control almost identical though.
As far as domestic gundam games go
Capcom's federtion vs Zeon is the best available. Its simple controls and excelent graphics make it the best of the gundam games to come out in the U.S. You could try encounters in space but its control scheme and inane system of unlocking suits is frustrating. The voice work outside of the actual original dub cast is plain awfull, and though it has a lot of modes, few are very fun. It is a pretty game though with better graphics than federation vs zeon.
If Titans vs Aeug ever comes to the states then im pretty sure it will be the best domestic gundam game.
Hidalgo Wrote:If Titans vs Aeug ever comes to the states then im pretty sure it will be the best domestic gundam game.
You?re right about that. I read that the game kicked all kind of ass in Japan when it came out. It is supposed to be localized and brought over but I heard that quite a while ago and nothing about it since.
Federation vs Zeon sucks compared to Z Gundam: AEUG vs Titans. Anyone who's played AEUG vs Titans would know that. Journey to Jaburo is also crap if you played Encounters in Space. Meanwhile, I'm playing the new Gundam SEED title (Never Ending Tomorrow) at the moment, which is just as good as EiS.
Why is that?
Their built on the same basic system, and both are made by capcom.
Hell the FvsZ suits are even present in TvsA.
Ive seen video of TvsA but havent played it since its a japan only game.
Tighter controls, WAY more mobile suits (even the ones from the first game). And it's AEUG vs Titans, not Titans vs AEUG.
Get yourself a modchip.
No need to be anal about a name, we all no what game were talking about.
Sorry not modding my PS2 anytime soon. Its DREed twice and had trips to sony for repairs both times. If i have to send it back again with a mod chip in it im screwed.
Also it should be noted that a new version of AvsT(happy) is on the way, and is supposed to be the version that will come state side. Heres the box cover
The DC version of Fed vs Zeon which was only released in Japan (where i bought it from :p ) is alot better than the ps2 version in my opinion controls suited the DC better and the graphics are better anti aliased ^_^
meh, Super Robot Taisen is better than all of them combined, sure its not a Gundam only game...but that doesn't change the fact that it kicks all their asses

Blight Wrote:I have Federation vs Zeon and Journey to Jaburo for PS2. Journey is better because of all the actual scenes from the show and better story explanation. They both control almost identical though.
I disagree. I loved Fed. vs. Zeon but I couldn't stand Journey to Jaburo.
Bye the way. I have Fed. vs. Zeon and Zeonic Front w/ strategy guide for sale in my trade list if anyone is interested.
Zeonic Front is a fun game too. It's a whole lot more realistic feeling. Your suit isn't a magic super gundam when using a Zaku in this game. One shot to the back and you're dead. Although slower paced than the actual series combat I thought it was quite fun.