Lacuna Coil Wrote:Hello...........
I was checking out the boards, havent been here in awhile and well maybe cause its boring there arent any great threads that are intresting. so i thought it would be cool to find out more about all of you. if you maybe took pictures of your room or told everyone what is in it. im looking around and i cleaned mine today, but my batteries are charging for my camera ill take a few of it tomorrow but for now i think it would be cool to see and hear what you have in your rooms.
So share the wealth and give us a peak of your Anime Crib. Pics of your collections of anime, games, books, music whatever you have.
Make it Fun.
Hello Lacuna!
Some of us have already posted pictures of our manga/anime/figures collection (and of ourselves) in older threads but I think it's a nice idea to bring it up again. I'll post mine again although both my manga and my anime collections have grown in the meantime

so I'll eventually post new ones.
Here's a list of the HK sets I own, many of which I didn't have when I took those pictures:
rav96 Wrote:OMG its like a mini Vicious
one with less tact and style...
a noobie with claws is born :p
Rav, I usually agree with you but this time I think you're way off! That kid has nothing to do with Vicious! Vicious is deliciously vicious, his posts are always interesting and meaningful. The kid's are nothing but absurd and pointless!
i got a 3 day ban cause i said somthing towards him which was a joke this stuff in this thread is a lash out at lacuna coil and well he need to be permenatly banned from boards. he is rude and very mean to others.
HAHA i'm back and i would like to see viscious "flame me." Go ahead give it your best shot i give you the permision (so don't ban him zagatto).
babyeater0 Wrote:HAHA i'm back and i would like to see viscious "flame me." Go ahead give it your best shot i give you the permision (so don't ban him zagatto).
And I'd love to see you even trying to put up a fight!

Andromeda18_ Wrote:And I'd love to see you even trying to put up a fight! 
Vicious would easily win if it was a war of flames or any
babyeater0 Wrote:HAHA i'm back and i would like to see viscious "flame me." Go ahead give it your best shot i give you the permision (so don't ban him zagatto).
hahaha. I wouldn't have minded seeing this if there was a flame forum. Too bad............
babyeater0 Wrote:HAHA i'm back and i would like to see viscious "flame me." Go ahead give it your best shot i give you the permision (so don't ban him zagatto).
I'm back too. So put your diaper on because I don't want you shittin' in public and let's get ready to rumble. Now where's that damned flame forum? :confused:
babyeater0 Wrote:HAHA i'm back and i would like to see viscious "flame me."
I would like to see you learn how to spell.
In an atempt at being different/on topic

here is a few pic i had on hd from my room a year or 2 ago.when it was tidy and emtyish.
![[Image: projectortv.jpg]](
Its quite alot different now.And has anime in it as i was only just getting into it back then.I still dont have much of a collection when you see it on a shelf.Soon there will be an anime themed arcade machine on oposite side of room as well.I took down the huge framed tapestry and put up a small cloth indiany thingy to hide cables.And tv will be in arcade so there are shelves there now for anime and games.
Thats a 21 inch tv by the way.
how much was the projector?
Its just an epson s1.About $2700 nz.While it isnt the best quality it didnt cause problems with my eyes (dlp progection does) and the bulbs are cheap to replace.Between that and my logitech 680s my anime watching is all good.
still almost $1800 US...pretty expensive nonetheless. However, is it connected to your comp, or a TV hookup? If a comp, what res are you running at?
Na just hooked up to xbox ps2 and soon a cube as well.It can only handle up to 800x600 and doesnt look all that nice when hooked up to pc.Its definitly worth the money though.Not as good quality as a tv of the same price but still not bad especially considering how big the image is.Makes you really appreciate the small details in games and movies.
I am unable to post pictures however in my room there is.Wings hung up and those shevles that hang.I have a tv,dvd player,computer,vhs player,n64,a shelf of dvds,a book shelf containing mostly romance,manga and evangelistic books.I have a mini pink chair.A glass end table.stuffed red and purple monkeys.a tall dresser and a small bed.That is pretty much it.^_^