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Full Version: Interested in Saturn?
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I'm curious how you would exchange a physical cartridge through a torrent.
We have a buy/sell/trade forum for a real hard copy. Don't play stupid you know what file sharing is. Cool
I bookmarked it, but my saturn is back at home. If were to get a Saturn car, i'd want to take off the Saturn insignia and put a SEGA saturn insignia on there...
Hmm always wanted one of those as it would add to my collection. I hear it was fun to

play too. If I could collect all the systems except for X-Box. Then I could eventually open

a gaming store where people could buy games for any system except for and also play

games for free. Now that would be cool. Probably never happen though, as I would need

alot of money to do that. That and the fact I'm broke stops this dream from coming true

for now. Ah well, maybe someday.
Why not X-box? did it kill your family? or are you just really biased?

So much so that in your fantasy land where you have all the consoles and games with your own shop that you would not want one? thats pretty sad man...
hi i just got a saturn for like 10 bucks LOL
its in sweet condition and i have DBZ shin Butoden which in my eyes is the best Dbz game!! im wondering about what other games i should get!!! i also have gundam side story 3 but i see games like metal slug etc etc that look decent but i need a list of like 5 must haves!!!!
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