For people that placed order this past week, want to give heads up that they were/are shipped via the previous method (Canada Post) as opposed to the USPS method. Working out a few issues at the boarder before resuming that shipping method and didn't want to delay mailing things out.
It will take abit longer to receive you orders, and I will keep you guys updated on the issue.
I'm in that list...

Thanks for the heads up.
I ordered the first InuYasha Collection... Right when that big box set came out... hehe
Oh well...
This my first order from this site. I live in Hammond, LA any idea how long that will take to get here? I'm in no rush... heh.
Thanks again.
look for it mid to end of next week.
JunkieJoe Wrote:look for it mid to end of next week.
sweet... thanks, I'll keep an eye out for it.

Hey Joe, any word on getting the Tekkeman Blade box set back in? I saw a review for it and I didn't know it had been in the store! I really, really wanna get my hands on that set.
I also ordered a package last week, the hellsing box set. Any idea when it is going to come to reach me i live in charlotte, NC.
babyeater0 Wrote:I also ordered a package last week, the hellsing box set. Any idea when it is going to come to reach me i live in charlotte, NC.
Some time before me I suppose, since I'm in the south. heh

Thanks for the guestimation.
lol... anytime

sooo.......... whats the current shipping method now?
i thought you had switched over to all USPS priority mail but on the FAQ page it still says you use "Small Packet Air service/regular air mail" and it says takes 4-10 days to USA.
please let me know JJ [or anyone else].
He uses USPS. Althought 1 outta 2 of my packages I ordered last week was sent Canada Post. I assume it was a convenience issue for JJ.
hi i placed an order last monday and paypal was debited on tuesday, but i still havent recieved it, can you tell me when it should arrive JJ??
I live in California BTW.
EDIT: i got it yesterday, thanks.