Found this link through another forum. It contains emails send to Michael Moore by people serving in Iraq.
It contains some pretty disturbing stories about soldiers not having the equipment needed and lots of money being thrown away. I know it's by Michael Moore and not everyone is a fan of him but its an interesting read.
Also, I'm wondering if the people from this forum who have been there (Schultz and Morg) can relate to some of the stories in there, mainly the lack of equipment and the bad planning.
Uh huh, too bad for Michael Moore most soldiers support the president, hate Michael Moore and beleive what they are doing in Iraq is right. Ask one. I've talked to quite a few in person that recently came back from Iraq, and every one supports the president and the war. I trust their word more than a man who intentionally tries to distort the truth to sway peoples minds.
By the way, notice how few letters there are? If he had more, he'd post them. Now, go do a search for positive letters from soldiers to someone like Sean Hannity and see how many of those there are.
right, we should follow what soldiers say. We all know they're the beacons of enlightenment and intellect in our community
As for distorting the truth, Sean Hannity is about as spin-happy as can be. Not to mention a larger douche-bag than michael moore can ever dream of being.
Sean is biased, but he's also pretty fair. When a replublican does something he doesn't agree with, he will and has pointed it out. Moore is just a coward looking for more money. Sean has invited Moore to debate him several times, and Moore rejects every time. He does this because he knows Sean will show everyone exactly how Moore intentionally deceives people in his movies. Moore knows he will lose. That and the fact that Sean wants to give all proceeds to charity is another reason i'm sure Moore won't ever show. Fat greedy bastard. Moore has given to charity like one time, right after several media sources did articles on him blasting him for never donating to any charities.
Cidien Wrote:Uh huh, too bad for Michael Moore most soldiers support the president, hate Michael Moore and beleive what they are doing in Iraq is right. Ask one. I've talked to quite a few in person that recently came back from Iraq, and every one supports the president and the war. I trust their word more than a man who intentionally tries to distort the truth to sway peoples minds.
By the way, notice how few letters there are? If he had more, he'd post them. Now, go do a search for positive letters from soldiers to someone like Sean Hannity and see how many of those there are.
There supposedly are more letters. These were selected by the Guardian, a British newspaper. I personally love to watch MM's documentary's for the entertainment and shock value. I think he's a very good moviemaker but I don't dive into each of his arguments to see if they're true. I have never heard anyone say he does what he does for the money which I don't believe. There are lots of sites dedicated to proving him wrong and others dedicated to prove him right, all made very profesionaly so there's no knowing who's right and wrong anymore. Me liking him is all my opinion and I guess it has alot to do with which side in the election you support so lets not discuss his honesty.
I posted this partly to get responces to see if the letters are true. Troops not getting the equipment needed and all the money being spend wrongly, the corruption etc. its all not good news for the future of Iraq and the people there now. Can you show me some of those letters by troops who support Bush (since one of the letters says the support for Bush by people in Iraq is very small). I searched for that Hannity charrecter but all I found were articles criticizing him (also didn't have alot of time to search, maybe you have a link?)
kakomu Wrote:right, we should follow what soldiers say. We all know they're the beacons of enlightenment and intellect in our community 
You know, sometime you say shit to say shit.:mad: Yes, I've met a fair number of dim bulbs in the military, but I've also met some of the most intellegt people I know. When it comes to electing a president, we aren't just electing the leader of our country, we are picking our boss.
Ka-Talliya Wrote:You know, sometime you say shit to say shit.:mad: Yes, I've met a fair number of dim bulbs in the military, but I've also met some of the most intellegt people I know.
I know what you?re saying. A buddy of mine could have been a Network Administrator but didn?t have the money to finish schooling so he joined the navy. It pisses me off that kakomu would make a generalization like that. :mad:
As for either of those to idiots, SH and MM, I would definitely rather read soldier letters that where handled by more than one person. I hate people that stir up shit for no particular reason. I just accept the fact that we aren?t always going to get the full story on some events; coming up with theories and conveniently leaving out details to pass somthing off as the truth is worse.
"I just accept the fact that we aren?t always going to get the full story on some events; coming up with theories and conveniently leaving out details to pass somthing off as the truth is worse."
Wouldn't it be nice to simply get the whole truth for once? =/
One thing i'd like is to remove the title of documentary from MM's movie. Fahrenheit 9/11 is as much a documentary as JFK is. Both of those need to have documentary removed from them. If it wasn't called a documentary I wouldn't be as pissed off about the movie, because when people see it's a documentary they beleive everything in it as fact.
The whole truth is either very simple or very complicated. Sadam should have been fried a long time ago for the genocide and other crap he did.
Plenty of other leaders ought to be ousted any time. Including our buddy, the king of the sauds, or Kim Jong Il, or the Iranian leader, or that military leader of Venezuela, or the jackasses in Sudan. Saddam is but a fish in a pond of many tyrannical leaders. The problem is how we're choosing who ought to be ousted, especially considering the political stance many people in power USED to have towards the previous rulers.
kakomu Wrote:Plenty of other leaders ought to be ousted any time. Including our buddy, the king of the sauds, or Kim Jong Il, or the Iranian leader, or that military leader of Venezuela, or the jackasses in Sudan. Saddam is but a fish in a pond of many tyrannical leaders. The problem is how we're choosing who ought to be ousted, especially considering the political stance many people in power USED to have towards the previous rulers.
And how could Bush have made you happy? Who could he have gone after first that would have gotten your support?
Ka-Talliya Wrote:The whole truth is either very simple or very complicated. Sadam should have been fried a long time ago for the genocide and other crap he did.
Ya, I know. This war should never have happened. I blame the U.N. entirely. Saddam promises to be a good boy now, lets all go home! Bush Sr. should have stood up to the U.N. then and taken him out when he had the chance.
You know Cidien it is so refreshing to see someone else on this board who has the same political convictions as myself. Hannity rules.
I first took issue with Michael Moore back in 2002 when he was doing a little speaking tour of the nation. He was much more of a 'fringe unknown' back then. I was working at a locally owned bookstore and we heard he was coming to town and that his speaking tour was sponsored by, get this, BORDERS BOOKS. Now why this is so hypocritical is that Moore always touts that he is the champion of the common man and the 'enemy' of big business. He is the kind of person who claims to defend the locally owned stores from take over by corporate giants such as Borders books. He had 'no comment' about the endorsement, go figure. Anyway, what is sad is that the bookstore eventually closed because ever since Borders rolled into town, they saw a HUGE drop in business. So, where is Mr. Moore now? I thought he 'cared' about stuff like that. Obviously he cares more about his $$$ than his so called 'values'.
Now to be fair, I personally don't have a problem with any 'big' business, if anything it is good for the economy because they can offer consumers products at lower prices which is good. I just found his behavior hypocritical and that is why we made a stink about it.
I think Moore is dishonest. While I find him quite entertaining sometimes, everything he produces is a work of fiction. He takes facts and figures and twists them so much that they aren't even in the realm of reasonable fact anymore. He is all about scare tactics, leftist propaganda, and socialism.
If I can give him any credit it is good how he has gotten people out to vote.
All I can say is that you know that secretly Moore wants Bush to win because if Kerry won he'd be out of a job.
rarnom Wrote:Now to be fair, I personally don't have a problem with any 'big' business, if anything it is good for the economy because they can offer consumers products at lower prices which is good. I just found his behavior hypocritical and that is why we made a stink about it.
The problem with big business is the effects it has on the workers who work there. The unethical things they do to either screw over the American workers or just line their pockets with money. Out-sourcing is not good for the economy. Frying the books is not good for the economy. Forcing smaller businesses out of business is not good for the economy. Reaganomics is not good for the economy. Paul Newman is not a big business, but his products are heads and tails better for the economy than any other big business out there.
Quote:And how could Bush have made you happy? Who could he have gone after first that would have gotten your support?
Not gone to war. We have enough problems that need to be solves at home before we need to try and solve other people's problems. This may be a Unipolar world now, but that doesn't mean we need to take it upon ourselves to (selectively) police the world.
I disagree. But, I don't feel like arguing because, well, whats the point? You are obviously liberal and I am conservative. So lets agree to disagree.
I still want to know what you think about Moore's hypocracy with big business bookseller endorsements. I know that him being sponsored by Borders didn't do jack for increasing business for the locally owned booksellers. If anything, he did more to drive them out faster by giving more attention to Borders.