I'm trying to find out if anybody is ever gonna release the DP tv series? I downloaded the series but it's a very bad divx vhs rip-almost unwatchable. I have the 1st 9 episodes on dvd, they were released by a company (bootleg) called Indian International that seems to have gone under the waves. I know the episodes were released on dvd in Japan by Vap. Can anyone help me? GOTTA HAVE MY DIRTY PAIR FIX-AUGH!!
i only have the 10 episode original DP and the DP flash perfect collection,i was looking for the 27 episode tv series as well,but no luck,i havent heard or seen anything,now i just have to get the 3 movies,but sorry i havent seen the tv series sold anywhere.
I have the whole Dirty Pair TV series fansubbed on VHS (not for sale). The series was hard to come by even back in the "old" VHS fansub days. All I ever saw were 2nd-3rd generation copies available, never any masters or 1st generation. I think there were 26 episodes, with the last 2 being like "lost" episodes or something. Who can forget the "traditional" VHS distros... Soyokaze Fansubs, Kodocha, and Chii... OK, now I feel old. :eek:
http://www.soyokazefans.com/ is up, but no one has requested since 2003 :p I don't think I would believe their quality rating for the series though.

Yeah, the vhs rip I downloaded must have been a 3rd generation copy. Thing that makes me mad is that supposedly our old "friend" ADV has the rights to the tv series and has already dubbed them but won't release em' because it won't sell because of the "limited Dirty Pair fan base who'd buy it!?!?" I say bull-let some other company take a crack it. Maybe Bandai or US Manga? The story about the specials was that the tv series didn't do as well as it was supposed to, so it was cancelled after 24 episodes and the final 2 episodes were released as specials. "Kei's my girl-I love firery redheads!!"