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too right, smug cunt!
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:I am much more upset over the death of Rodney Dangerfield.

That ones very sad as well..Dangerfield was perhaps the greatest comedian of all
Yea it does suck that he died also.. Its weird to me start watching people i grew up watching as actors starting to die..
Schultz Wrote:and kak all you gotta do is use a http before the link and it will automatically parse it.. If it don't then you can just use the [url] bbcode stuff.. there is no Active Script stuff thats microsoft junk.

I did. It's a link. The scripting is screwy on this BBCode thing.
Its worked fine for me anytime i have used it.. And i think if there was a problem Jelsoft would of fixed it early.. Since that is used alot in forum software.
sanosuke Wrote:indeed, batman was the caped crusader!!! it was almost like they ruined his funeral or something!!! they couldnt even get that much right

Duh!!!!! You're right. I should have read it more carefully.
I personally think, that like Mark Hamill, he will only be remembered due to his role in "John Carpenter's Village of the Damned". Neither of those guys would have had any kind of impact on pop culture if it wasn't for those creepy little bleach-haired kids.
Christopher Reeve was a great man. He did a lot of good while he was with us and continues to do so in death as people around the world remember him. Long live Superman.
sanosuke Wrote:too right, smug cunt!

well i guess hes not Smug now

*points at Grave hahaha Your Dead*
*goes to Nelson Mutts to get HaHa ponters*
kakomu Wrote:we all know what HE thinks (link, because the damned active script won't underline the stupid links. Schultz, fix this!)

Dude Your an Asshole.
thats a mean article. i think he decided to start all his foundations case he was in his condition, hell i bet if you were put in his shoes and werent in the state he was before and had his role in the media you would step up and help out others like you. seriously you should appoligze for that post. i was watchign the news last night and Reeve was talked about calling others that were attemting suicide because of there new state of disibility. and he would help them cause when he first was disiabled he thought of suicide.

so i would if i were you think before you post.

this is a post to pay respect to Christopher Reeve.
he was a great actor and will be missed by alot of fans and people.

Christopher Reeve is a minion of satin who did nothing but whore for money his whole life! Why the hell are you guys pitying this douchebag?
babyeater.... do you respect anything or anyone in this world?

What is up with that attack on Christopher Reeve and his legion of fans?
Since showing up in this forum, the majority of your posts have been inflamatory and without merit. What do you hope to accomplish with your posts?
Zagatto Wrote:babyeater.... do you respect anything or anyone in this world?

What is up with that attack on Christopher Reeve and his legion of fans?
Since showing up in this forum, the majority of your posts have been inflamatory and without merit. What do you hope to accomplish with your posts?

I think he would like to be hated by every possible person on this forum. Atleast thats what I can figure.
I may as well say this here as well as the other forum... any more personal attacks or name calling of fellow members will result in a 3 day ban from the forum. This includes broad attacks that call all people of a certain type assholes.

I've handed out one three day ban so far today and I'm ready to do some more if need be. I don't play favourites. It is possible to disagree with a person without calling them a fuckhead, loser, or spoogwad.
Why do I feel Christopher Reeve is a whore? Well it is very simple. Before becoming paralyzed Mr. Reeve did not care nor did he fund, any kind of clinic to help those stricken with this debilitating disease, Unlike many other celebrities who HAVE FUNDED organizations trying to find a cure to paralyzation that do not actual suffer from it. You see a big part of his problem is that he is selfish. Now that he is paralyzed he THINKS IT IS A CAUSE WORTH NOTING (not that I disagree) but if it had not been for that horse accident, I highly doubt that he would have given any thought to giving a ten dollar check to these admirable charities. You see all he wants (or should I say wanted) was to keep in the newspaper, nothing more.
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