Hello! Im a newb here but from what I see so far, everyone here is great! I was just wondering how many anime freaks from here lives in Calgary. Maybe we could have a big get together someday. Trade DVD's and maybe have a big anime party (no hentai tho) and have a great blast! ^___^ Sayonara!
Where is Calgary? I'm not much of a geography person!
Welcome to the forums!
Heh......I was wondering too. Thought that it sounded like one of the town in England. However, if i'm not wrong, Calgary is in Canada, Alberta.
Welcome to the board.
No HENTAI??? You must be joking! There will be so many disappointed people.


Calgary is in Alberta, Canada. And thanks! ^__^
Mild ones are okay like Ranma and Love Hina and of course, Steel Angel Kurmi!

And of course more.

Heh..Ranma, Love Hina are mild hentais?
I was thinking on the line of Bible Black, Princess 69, Stepmother's Sin, Girl Next Door.

Hmm...well, we'll see.

I still have to buy a lot more anime anyways before any party happens here. But if you suggest those anime titles, then I will get it.
Japschin Wrote:Heh..Ranma, Love Hina are mild hentais?
I was thinking on the line of Bible Black, Princess 69, Stepmother's Sin, Girl Next Door. 
Eh....I was just teasing. Don't get those titles I listed if you are under 18. :p
Let us know which genre of anime do you like. I believe a lot of us would be more than happy to recommend you some good ones.