Well thinking this would be a great next topic for the awards. just not sure if mixing female and male Voice artists was a good idea but hey that?s less picking for me to do.
So this is the next awards it isn?t anime but it has to do with anime. The voice actors that bring characters to life and also a language most of all of us understand.
Here we go these are the VA?s, and if I missed some one you like im sorry im trying to make everyone happy. The VA's will be listed by name and then character of well know anime they were in and then the anime title.
1. Steven Jay Blum - Spike (Cowboy Bebop)
2. Chris Patton - Ayato (RahXephon)
3. Melissa Charles - ED (Cowboy Bebop)
4. Hilary Haag - Megumi (RahXephon)
5. Johnny Yong Bosch - Claus (Last Exile)
6. Wendee Lee - Faye (Cowboy Bebop) And like one milion other titles
7. Robert Buchholz - Gene (Outlaw Star)
8. Joshua Seth - Zero (Pilot Candidate)Also in alot of Digimon series
9. Spike Spencer - Shinji (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
10. Monica Rial - Haruka (RahXephon)
Wow once I get started it?s hard to pick out just 10 choices. Im sorry if I left one of your favorites out I know I left some of mine.
Have fun picking out some VA's I can?t wait to see all of your choices.
Sorry about the first post hopefully it will work this time.
i voted for Steven Jay Blum and Hillary Haag. Hillary Haag's VA for Menchi in Excel Saga was quite funny.
Steven Jay Blum is one of the best that I have heard. Not just because of his work on Cowboy Bebop, but also because he has done so many other animes that I like.
Thanks for including Hilary Haag in there for me, but I'm pretty sure that Steven Jay Blum will end up winning this one.
Also, why must people always bring up Menchi when talking about Hilary?? It's never Ryo or Karinka, or Sayo, but always Menchi!!! :mad:
Crispin Freeman anyone?
Straight Cougar
and many others.
I also think Lisa Ortiz would have been good in that list..
Also surprised Crispin isn't on the list. He's difinitely in my top 2 favs.
r00ster Wrote:Crispin Freeman anyone?
Straight Cougar
and many others.
I also think Lisa Ortiz would have been good in that list..
Agreed. Those 2 should def be on there. And there are at least 3 names that have no right being on that list - Melissa Charles, Joshua Seth, and Robert Bucholz. They are not very well known other than the few roles that he named.
If I was doing it, the contenders would have been:
Crispin Freeman
Steven Jay Blum
Wendee Lee
Michelle Ruff
Chris Patton
Monica Rial
Tiffany Grant
Lisa Ortiz
Hilary Haag
Vicious Wrote:Agreed. Those 2 should def be on there. And there are at least 3 names that have no right being on that list - Melissa Charles, Joshua Seth, and Robert Bucholz. They are not very well known other than the few roles that he named.
If I was doing it, the contenders would have been:
Crispin Freeman
Steven Jay Blum
Wendee Lee
Michelle Ruff
Chris Patton
Monica Rial
Tiffany Grant
Lisa Ortiz
Hilary Haag
Agreed... that's pretty well the dub-fan's definitive list.
like i said you only have 10 options for poll's. i wanted to add him but i was looking at the list and alot of them are from bandai, geneon, Rightstuff, and then i forgot about ADV'x so i had some others on there but had to delete them to mix it up.
so again not my fault the limit is 10.
and your welcome for adding hilary.
So you dropped crispin freeman from the list? Blasphemy! He's probably the only one who would have stood a chance of beating steven jay blum.
Oh and r00ster you forgot to add his best/second best role. Justy Ueki Tylor! I love that voice. =P Cougar and Alucard are pretty sweet too though.
Out of the list presented, I chose Stephen and Monica, but if Crispin was there, he would have had my vote in a heartbeat. I was really surprised at his range when he was cast as Hideki in Chobits, compared to the usual roles.
All those female VA are really good, but I would have chosen Laura Bailey (Fruits BAsket, Blue Gender). I know her roles are few compared to someone like Wendee Lee, but the range of her performance and the disparity of the two characters she played was really amazing. I couldn't believe that the roles were played by the same VA. She really impressed me.
While I enjoy the fact that I can pick out a VA from roles and like hearing their voice again, it's nice to know that a VA can change their voice and surpirse a listener.
This list deifinitely needs more people. What about Lex Lang?

Yaaaaaay!!!! Hilary's got 4 votes. Go Tofu!!!!!
Speaking of Hilary, I found out yesterday that my Hilary signed Sister Princess box is 'making the rounds' at ADV studios right now. Supposedly other people are adding onto it. So it'll be interesting to see what it says.
Also, she's supposed to be at some con in Cali this week, so I mailed a DVD to somone I know out there to have her sign it for me. Can't wait to get that back either.
i would have definately voted for crispin freeman over steven jay blum, if he had been put on the list: Alacard~Hellsing, Fuma~X tv series, Lt. Dan Simmons~Argento Soma, Manticore~boogie pop Phantom
Captain Tylor~Captain Tylor!
People never list him lol. Captain Tylor > Alucard. Alucard may be cool because he kills people with style but Tylor kills people by accident! Nothing beats the goofy accidental badass.