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The main one I want to make is to ask if you might look into accepting Yahoo Directpay, or another alternative to Paypal online payments. I know you can pay through snailmail, but it is rather slow. I am asking this because of the number of restrictions and unscrupulous actions paypal has been taking lately is getting out of hand.

Paypal forbids the sale of adult items (like hentai).
Any account owner found selling adult items can be given a $500 fine (this is their new one, and it is ludicrious. Can paypal even enforce a fine like that?).
Paypal has had a lawsuit placed against them for 'account tampering' and 'unauthorized funds transfers'.

I think that paypal's days may be numbered. At least with Directpay, it is backed by an actual bank. I am not sure if directpay offers a shopping cart option, if they do, perhaps put both a paypal shop and a directpay (or other) shop via a small, out of the way link ("Switch to Directpay shop" or something like that at the top/bottom of the page".

Anyway, that is about it.
I can do some research about it. But right now i know the only option we can't go with is a market type account where we process the stuff on our own.. But if its easy and works somewhat like PayPal then i wouldn't see how it couldn't hurt.. Unless they don't allow out of US type things.. but i can research it.. But ultimatly its JJ's choice on that.
I just looked into it.. But in there help section they say you can't send money accross borders between accounts.. I think you can only do those two options about sending a atm card and other.. So i don't know if thats a viable alternative.