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I was reading Super Manga Blast last night and although I don't usually read Cannon God Exaxxion, because I already have it in French, I decided to compare the English edition with the French one. While the dialogue in both languages is very similar I found out the English edition is censored!! Cannon God Exaxxion has some explicit sex scenes which aren't present in the English edition.
These 3 pages are missing:

and I suppose there must be more pages missing since Exaxxion has more scenes of this sort.
It's not the censorship itself that pisses me off (though I don't like censorship) but the fact that they didn't warn the costumers. Dark Horse should either have put a "for mature readers" warning like the one Berserk has or tell people their edition's censored! Of course they haven't done so because that would hurt their sales but buyers should know if the goods they're buying are censored or not.
This makes me wonder how many other manga titles haven't undergone the same removal of content.
Fortunately for me I own the French edition but there are people who only speak English and are therefore stuck with this edition!
Anyway, just thought you guys ought to know.
I hate censorship....bastards!
Thank you for posting that Andromeda. I can't stand Dark Horse. They are notorious for editing pictures and leaving out art. Their whole argument is that, if it doesn't add to the story, they can edit sexually explicit pictures. I've noticed Shonen Jump by Viz is starting to edit pictures as well. I think its completely wrong to mess with a creator's art, but they have stated that Masamune Shirow and Kenichi Sonada don't mind. Whatever, that is why they are so far behind with their Graphic novels sale.
I know GitS was censored, and I don't care about Exaxxion, but dose anyone know if Gunsmith Cats was? It was one of the first titles I read, and I would like to know if I missed anything. Though now that I think about it, it was pretty graphic and did have the mature readers tag.
this isn't related to Dark Horse or anything, But thank god! Chobits was not edited in a way if you know what I mean. Also another title that was on debate for being edited was Ken Akamatsu's manga Negima! They decided not to edit it which is totally a good thing.........
I hate censorship as well.

Here's the weird thing, until I knew it had been edited down from something better, I thought Warriors of the Wind was one of the best cartoons I'd ever seen. I'm grateful that it was released in any form at all even though the original Nausicaa is so much better. As long as I enjoy whatever it is that I'm reading or watching then I guess that ignorance is bliss.

If you want manga that hasn't been edited, I suggest checking out the Wounded Man series translated by Comics One. It's one of the titles available dirt cheap at I just finished reading it and enjoyed it quite a bit... not as much as I did Sanctuary but still worth the price of admission... and it's VERY graphic and definitely NOT censored.
WandererX12 Wrote:I know GitS was censored, and I don't care about Exaxxion, but dose anyone know if Gunsmith Cats was? It was one of the first titles I read, and I would like to know if I missed anything. Though now that I think about it, it was pretty graphic and did have the mature readers tag.

Actually, Gunsmith Cats was censored. For example, the following page was published in the graphic novel but Dark Horse left it out of the comic book.
By the way, Dark Horse is going to publish a new uncensored edition og Ghost in the Shell.