09-16-2004, 11:40 AM
Just got the first 4 graphic novels yesterday and finished reading them today.
You guys should seriously pick it up. I have through some of volume 27 on my pc but it's nice to own them for real. The translations are very similar to the scans I have and I must say, I am more than happy to have it in book form. I looked on the Darkhorse website and they have surprised me even more with what I found. They will be releasing them every 3 months and already have 5 & 6 up as "coming soon". It's also nice they let you read 4 pages of each issue of all their comics to see if you want it or not. Well thought I'd spread the news of the Berserk awesomeness.
You guys should seriously pick it up. I have through some of volume 27 on my pc but it's nice to own them for real. The translations are very similar to the scans I have and I must say, I am more than happy to have it in book form. I looked on the Darkhorse website and they have surprised me even more with what I found. They will be releasing them every 3 months and already have 5 & 6 up as "coming soon". It's also nice they let you read 4 pages of each issue of all their comics to see if you want it or not. Well thought I'd spread the news of the Berserk awesomeness.