What a wonderful comeback. You basically said 'I know you are, but what am I?'
And one thing I am not is a rat. If I'm gonna do something to someone, I'll let it be known that I did it.
I know I'm new here but do the comments section of the forum usually turn into little spats?
and on a real note glad to see some hard to get stuff (from what other people were saying) has been coming in... I'm still hoping that means I'll see Rah and some other titles in the list when I check one day since dispite some misunderstanding on my part I had a great experience with my last order here and god knows what someone else would ship...
junkiejoe Wrote:Slade, those items were also marked out of stock by MAC... so were not shipped, will try again next order
No problem. I'm actually hoping it takes a little while. I need to recover from that Kenshin purchase.

Tarran Wrote:I know I'm new here but do the comments section of the forum usually turn into little spats?
no just vicious likes to start things !
just dont say anything about ADV. or he will go nuts and hunt your ass down.