A friend of mine is a big NBA basketball fan (which I am not). She sometimes checks ESPN articles and send me links to interesting basketball news, hoping I'll become a fan someday. Yesterday, she sent me a link from ESPN basketball board that she thought was funny.
I thought that the absurdity of the whole thing was just hilarius. Demand for FBI investigation and whatnot!! Those guys make flame wars in this board seem like a pleasant afternoon tea party.
Some of those guys are fuckin' losers. I should go on there and create some ruckus.
Serious death threat??? What a fuckin' pussy. That's whats wrong with America today. 'He looked at me funny so I want to sue him'.

Yea are little flame wars here are nothing compared to some other boards. Try talking your view point in a Gay/lesiban board... man that place left me with chills. Oh and they are suppose to be the open to change and what not people...my ass
I have to agree with you Vicious, people have become serious pansys these days.
morgorath lol
Wow, they all need to STFU. I've read some sloppy posts and worked my way through bad english in my time here, but I could barely follow that thread.
After arguing for 3 pages in the first thread, they are continuing the argument in another thread.
My favorite part is the fictional phone conversation with FBI one guy created (on page 3 of the first thread)
posted by KobeLikesAnal
*Phone Ringing*
"Hi is this the FBI?"
"Yes, this is Agent Jackson"
"Hi Agent Jackson, Id like to report a death threat"
"Death threat? Have you reported this to your local authorities?"
"Yes, but they just hung up on me."
"They hung up on you!? Why in the world would they do that?"
"Im not sure, I was just explaining to them that someone was making serious death threaths to me over the internet.."
"WAIT! Did you just say over the internet?"
"Yes, thats right sir, on the ESPN forums."
*Dial tone*
"all u fkin ahters wanna fukin fite come here to the west where they fkin teach you how to fite fukin ******* talk behind a computer liek fukin tough guys,more like fukin sissy girls,wanan fite i live in la,leave a messege if u do,u fukin *****' s" - Retard
This guy sounds so strong.
I hope he gets hit by a train.