Hey, I'm new here, I don't normally do introduction posts but I figured "why not?". I'm 20, male and I'm from Dublin, Ireland. I've been watching anime since nearly as long as I can remember and I'm also an avid gamer. Thats about all I can think of so...hey and I guess you'll see me around

Hi Ryujin! Welcome to the forum. Enjoy yourself!
Good thing you already have 13 posts or you'd be eaten alive! :p
oh he is a noob he will get eaten alive by vicious ! just one bad post about adv and thats it ! lol kidding ! Welcome to the boards pleae bring some new stuff to the joint!
Welcome to the forum.
I hope you enjoy yourself while you're here.
From Scotland here. Going to Ireland this week actually for the first time. Welcome.
Thanks everyone, where abouts in Ireland are you going CrayonShinChan?
Welcome to the boards. Enjoy...
kakomu doesn't care if you're new.
Welcome to the boards and the wonderful world of hentai.
evilomar Wrote:Welcome to the boards and the wonderful world of hentai.

Yes, welcome!
kakomu Wrote:kakomu doesn't care if you're new.
That's is because you will burn them if they are new, old, or middle age. The only thing that matters is if they post like they got a brain in their head.
morgorath Wrote:That's is because you will burn them if they are new, old, or middle age. The only thing that matters is if they post like they got a brain in their head.
unfortuneately, posting an "i'm new here" thread isn't.
Cool, another newbie
Welcome, Ryuijn. A lot of new guys are joining lately.
kakomu r u talking in the third person? o and welcome, do u get drunk a lot? the irish are awesome