Im posting this cause im feeling sad today and I want to know how you all cope with sadness. Today September 6th marks one year since my dad passed away. I have the day off today so it?s going to be hard to keep busy to try and not think of just this. Im wondering if any of you have had to deal with a loss in your family, or some one special? And how do you deal with the sadness, or how to try and think about other things on the day.
It would help me if some of you could reply to this!
i'm so sorry to hear about your father, i honestly can't begin to imagine how i would handle losing my father or mother. i suggest you get together with some people who are close to you.
Last Exile, I hope you and your family are doing okay considering the situation. Why don't you try to do something in memory of your father? Like watch a favorite movie of his or play something he liked to play with you. It might be sad, but it might help to do something that will remind you of him and your time together. Good thoughs go out to you and your loved ones.
I don't have any one that close that has died only grandparents but What I try to think of is their way of being happy and I try and think of how they would like to be remembered and try to think of them being happy and being in a good place now.... watching over you and making sure when you fall you can get up or when you jsut need a loving hand you have someone their to just hold on to......

thanls for all the kind words.
i just got back from a long hike in teh mountains, it reminded me of my dad so much his favorite flowers were those yellow wild flowers. there were thousands of them. it really took me back. also listening to a band him and i liked very much ! one song reminds me so much of him alot of the words remind me of his life and so on. wow im glad my sister is in town to visit im so sad today !
Last Exile???? I have got a question what moutains are you talking about??? Teh......... Is the rest of it Tehachapi moutains and is it in California.....And if I know what flower you are talking about it is the California Poppy which is the state flower...... Jsut wondering

i live in New Mexico.
so its not that , im not sure what the mountain was called but they are just normal wild flowers. i wish i lived in CA. but i just go there every summer for 2-4 weeks to visit my aunt. thats it !
My garndfather passed away April of 2003. It was hard coming home after being away for so long and to be coming home for that reason made it all the much worse. I understand the loss of a love one strikes deeper for some more than others, but for me I do this. I try to live a day the way my Grandfather did. Not just watching an old movie he would watch, but really try to see things the way he did. Talk, walk, wear my hair in his swooped over look. This may seam far fetched to some and I can except people for thinking I go to far. But you only truly apperiate someone when you take the time to understand where they come from and what made them who they are today. That is what I do...
There is no single thing one can do to get over a lost one. Buck up, do what you like the most and move on.
kakomu Wrote:There is no single thing one can do to get over a lost one. Buck up, do what you like the most and move on.
that last part was rather rude !
as for morgorath that was a great piece you shared. i went on the hike yesterday cause we always did that on weekends and all the free time we had we spent it at the park or some where outside, mostly swiming and listening to music. damn i miss that !
thanks to all for your kind words !
i hope none of you have to go through loss at a young age.
it's sound advice. I've had to deal with my dad's death and my grandfather just died today (no joke). I don't sit around and mope (it was tough at first), but you have to move on. You can't dwell on it and expect it to get better.
im not dwelling its jsut hard when it comes to the day and its already been a year it just seems crazy to me ! I am intrested in deeth i try to not think of it as sad but as diffrent . take the show dead like me they have a great idea of what happes after you die ! its things like that , make me want to learn more and think of diffrent things death is !
kakomu Wrote:I don't sit around and mope (it was tough at first), but you have to move on. You can't dwell on it and expect it to get better.
Exactly. I'd agree with you on that.
you shouldn't just try and move on, you need to come to except it and it should be sad and hard and you may never be over it and that's ok.