For the past couple of weeks I have been watching a lot of westerns and I was wondering if there was any western-style anime out there besides Trigun. Unfortunatly, most site don't have that as a catagory. Thanks

western?nope.........ill check ill let u know if i find any.
not to sure on this one but you might want to fo to :
and ask one of there workers. or go on there boards where they reside.
thats my best bet for you.
o yeah they also have anime boards at gamefaqs u could ask around there and see if any one knows of any.
I don't know if they are good or not, but two shows come to mind when you say western. Gun Frontier, and Wild Arms.
Something called "Brust Angels" will be coming out next year sometime. Allthough, I am not sure just how western-like it is. Keep your eyes open for it I guess.
Bakuretsu Tenshi aka Burst Angel is not a Western. It's more like a bounty- hunter/mob/fantasy/mecha/sci-fi anime.
Western feel? Heheh.....Parts of Trigun? Wild Arms and Gun Frontier as mentioned above. Other than that.......can't think of anything.
yeah .
i cant wait for burst angel.
looks like a great anime, but not western-style.
Oh, well I guess I'll just have to stick to good ol' Clint Eastwood for my western oriented fun. Oh, and as for Burst Angel, I've been trying to find the MI perfect collection everywhere but, no cigar. I guess now FX will come out with a way better one like they almost always do.
o yeah i forgot there was an anime for wild arms.
Also some of Queen Emeraldas takes place in an inter-galactic wild western town.
Trigun comes to mind for it's western "feel" but that's not really the old west.
I remember playing a game called Sunset Riders that looked like it was taken from an anime series but I never saw anything more than the game. It had great character design and decent cut scenes for a side scrolling shooting game.
If you want to read some great comic books, check out the Blueberry stories illustrated by Mobius. They've been reprinted tons of times by a few different companies in English and they are worth every penny. Between the depth of the research and the rawness of the story telling the Blueberry stories are some of the better comic books I've ever read... not anime but I hope it settles some of your cravings.