I made my 1000th post. I'd like to say that most people think I talk a lot, this is true. However if there weren't that many responsive, fun, diverse peoples I would've left much earlier, say around 250.
Thanks folks :mrgreen:
hehe you better stay Steve or it will be lonely..
Steve you leave & we'll (re)bake you!
Plus I'm just a figment from your mind, I'll disappear too.
Steve if you leave I'll eat you!!! *thinks again* :twisted:
shouldn't have said that it sounds weird!! :twisted:
*hads out the forks & knives* :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Good pie, just needs ice (s)cream!
I like my pie nicely heated to a lite crisp crush and a soft warm center!!!! :twisted:
Sh*t I just made myself hungry :?
I leave for a day and I already have two guys wanting to eat me. 8O
I leave for a day and I already have two guys wanting to eat me. 8O