I was watching Vol. 6 of Witch Hunter Robin and I went to the extras and they had interviews with the cast like they have had in all the other volumes. But they are just the Japanese cast. I my self do not like seeing interviews with them because I don?t watch R1's subbed. My question is why do companies like Geneon on and Bandai but Japanese cast interviews and not American VA interviews? I know a lot of you like to watch anime Subbed and seeing the VA's is a reward at the end but I feel the same with me watching it Dubbed.
I think it would be better if they had both so you could choose. Like in Cowboy bebop (movie). Also what could be very different and funny would to dub the Japanese interviews with the American VA. That way you can choose dubbed or subbed.
What are your thoughts on this?
It's probably the easy thing to do... they likely already have the interviews done for the japanese releases of the DVDs, and maybe the NA company just buys the interviews along with the distribution rights for the show. Then, they don't bother taking the time to interview the English VA cast...
THen again, I haven't ever watched the Japanese VA interviews, myself... so that's just a guess.
I did thouroughly enjoy watching the English VA interviews for Slayers.
Obviously, not everyone will be happy unless they throw VA interviews for all languages available on the discs...

well i dont know about interviews, but the samurai deeper extras are hilarious with the outtakes they have. i really enjoyed that.
I hate outtakes, since I hate english dubs. Therefore, I don't bother watching them. However, I do watch interviews with the Japanese seiyuu, directors, and producers.. It's interesting to know how seiyuu perceive the characters they play, as it likely affects their performance.
Although i don't normally listen to the English track (except for some old titles), i still find their outtakes to be f'in hilarious...
Robojack Wrote:It's interesting to know how seiyuu perceive the characters they play, as it likely affects their performance.
The same could be said about the American VA's.
There is a simple answer to this, but since LE is making his own R1 company, I'm sure he already knows why. No point in me telling him what he already knows.
Heads or tails, if the title has special features or not let alone what language they are in it is no big thing for me. Even in regular LA R1 movies I don't buy the film or series for the special features.
I honestly don't care for the interviews or outtakes and I never watch them whether they are the english or japanese cast, the creator, the director or whatever. I find them so damn boring.
i just want to see some VA chicks !
lol, i like seeing the actors like in the bebop movie : Melissa Charles (Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrosky IV) she is so damn hot ! great voice too.
That's the woman with Edward's voice? I would've never guessed that. Do you also have a picture of VA who does Faye Valentine' voice?
Faye = Wendee LEE
Pic of her is at the bottom she is a little bit older then melissa.
Kari WAHLGREN (Robin Sena -WHR, Haruhara Haruko -FLCL, Lavie Head- Last Exile, Cher Degre-Wolfs Rain)
she also is very cute!
I think ADV has some of the cutest VA's. They have Jessica Boone, Kira Vincent-Davis, and my favorite, Hilary Haag. Also, if you watched Super MilkChan, they hired a girl whose also a model named Taylor Hannah.
None can compare to the stunning beauty that is Goku's Japanese VA. I'd post a pic but it's late at night and I don't want to scare the little ones.
post some pics of them vicious , i cant find any of them.