hey, does anyone remember muzzy? the big green talking furry monster that taught children all differn't languages? if so, do you know where i could get some of his tapes?
Nope, have no clue who that is.. first I thought of Denver the last dinosaur but he doesn't teach languages and he's not fuzzy. Are you planning on learning a new language?
Hehe... I asked my Spanish I teacher if we could watch that, but she's a mean old lady that said no all the time. there official site is
www.early-advantage.com so, you might try there first. I think you might wanna check out Ebay though. Hell, maybe there are some torrents you could download.

well, they only have german, spanish, italian, and french, o well.
Yay Muzzy! I used to have the French one as a kid. I remember Corvax and what was the dog thing?
I remember all those commercials from TV when I was a kid. Never actually used it though, but I remember him. I somehow associate him with Cinnamon and Sugar toast. That's what happens to the young impressionable mind when one always seems to be eating it during said commercial. I like Cinnamon and Sugar toast.
i remember muzzy but your older then 8 so i don't think the show will work on your mature brain as that kind of stuff works on children's ability to have abstract thoughts.
Let me guess your looking for one dealing with japanese aren't yah?
tsunami Wrote:i remember muzzy but your older then 8 so i don't think the show will work on your mature brain as that kind of stuff works on children's ability to have abstract thoughts.
Let me guess your looking for one dealing with japanese aren't yah?
well, i may be older than 8, but the whole mature thing....not so sure about that. yeah i was hoping for a japanese one, i can speak spanish fairly well, i'm already learning german so i wanted to learn a language from a different language group. and i thought my little brother could use it, he is going to start learning japanese this year.
German is a great language. Germans are great people *nudge nudge* Make sure you know how to say what I call the "Fundamental Phrase" Which is the single most important phrase in any language:
Wo ist das Badezimmer?!
You seem to really like language. I know it's not from what you'd probably call "different" language group, but I feel it's always interesting to study Latin. Not to discourage you from Japanese, of course. Russian is fun too, and that's more of what I'd call a different language group.
Yea, where is the bathroom is important, but i like "Zwei Biere gefallen." or "Dos cervezas satisfacen." Horay for babel fish, they make my travels harder to remember.
muzzy....that would get pretty annoying learning a language from a fuzzy green thing. haha
Muzzy is a product of the BBC, so of course it's not going to teach Japanese. just take classes in school.
maybe this is where i got this name ! i call my moms mom, MUZZY. i have been calling her muzzy since i could talk. i wounder it this is where i got it from !
Programs like MUZZY work on children's minds. This is why children are able to learn languages so fast when they are kids and why it is a pain in the ass when your 12 or older and trying to learn something a little backwards like spanish or latin based languages. If you wanna go hardcore on how it works.... well here you go: it works because children do not have developed discriminatory complexes in the brain so abstract words become abstract thoughts which in effect stick like super glue and never go away in the brain.
Owozifa : wat ist Badezimmer??