i posted on here asking about artwork books not long ago for arcade cab.just learning how to use paint shop pro so theyre not that good but what do you think of my first marquee and control panel
Those are some pretty good overlays. I like the way the 2 joystick panels look with the double lines especially. Looks like you'll have a sweet mame cabinet.
I have been working on an MAME cabinet for almost a year. ANd now it looks like I will finish it before X-mas. The extra money I earn here in Iraq is going to help big time.
Wrxh8r - where get or how did you create such wonderful pieces of overlay. Are you making your own control board? I am using X-arcade sticks.
im also using an x-arcade hooked up to my xbox.Im transplanting it (at this stage) onto a 30 inch by 16 inch board.i decided that the eight buttons were anoying as i kept pushing on the bottom two every now and then and you never use them for anything anyway.(i dont know of any 8 button games.so im removing them 2 of them one from each player will be connected to a coin door when i get one (coin doors work off microswitches the same as buttons)this will leave my pinball buttons free.the other 2 ill use for escape and menu. the images i found on a page that had hires scans of poster books by masamune.
basicly i just cut out the parts i wanted and threw them together. nothing to advanced.I was planing on doing more with the other poster book series and then choosing the one i like best.this one here is galhound but wild wet west and hellcat also look mint.theres a ninja chick one as well i cant remember the name of.i think ill prob get round to making wild wet west up to compare but this ones growing on me more and more

I only wanted a small cab as its going in my room so and i had a spare 21 inch tv lying around.so im pretty much going to use this as my plans.heres his sit with pics of his cab finished stealthboy.com