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Just got an email that the Game Boy SP dropped to 79.99. If they weren?t releasing the DS I would get it so I guess this is a last chance to get out the back stock of the SP before the DS hits stores soon.

Anyone going to get one?
Im ok with my GB advance when it first came out!

Nice...Thanks for the info LE. I've been meaning to upgrade my Gameboy Pocket. I hear it has cool features COLOR.

Id wait for the DS it will play all the GB games from all the other systems.

well since its only 80 i might buy a second one. my black sp has a speck on the screen and it pisses me off.
did you drop it ?
they have to have created some non scratch surface on teh new screens cause one is a touch sensative screen (bottom screen) !

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant wait for the new DS !!!

non scratch surface my ass that thing is so sensitive to marks, i dont let any one play my gameboy because im afraid they will leave a mark on the screen, those bastards.