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Yeah, I think I'm able to get Pocari Sweat, and maybe even Cal Pis at my local Chinese supermarket. There's even a Chinese mall nearby that has this store that only sells Japanese snacks and drinks.
Japschin Wrote:Have a question: Which flavor tastes the best?
1. Original
2. Orange
3. Melon
4. Peach
5. Kiwi
6. Lychee
7. Strawberry

i got :

ill tell you which one is good when i get them this week.

Thanks. Since I need to drive about 45 mins down to the Japanese Super Market, totally out of the way of school, home and work, I'm really reluctant to drive all the way down and then realise that I hate the taste of whatever I bought. :p Rolleyes
I wish I had a japanese super mart around where I live.I guess i'll have to try that wedsite instead.The drink sounds very interesting.I too noticed in anime shows and wondered about ramune.Also, I know this is off subject but does any of the movie rental places near any of you acutally have anime.There is not any anime at the ones where I live.Just curious.^_^
kristym22 Wrote:Also, I know this is off subject but does any of the movie rental places near any of you acutally have anime.There is not any anime at the ones where I live.Just curious.^_^

Maybe one out of 50 has anime. At least in California. Most American stores do not carry them, even if they do, the selection is really really minute. Reasons: People don't watch anything they've not heard about, they don't watch anything that's not shown on TV, "Cartoons are for kids" etc.

I did know a few that used to carry them. However, these stores stopped since anime did not run at all. Let's say the stores paid $17 per volume. Max each volume only got rented out 2-5 times. Stores lose money.

Sad, isn't it? At least for anime fans. :p Sad
I have at least 2 anime only stores within about 10 minutes of me.
Maybe ppl in the East Coast like Anime more than the residents of the West Coast?
Generally, areas with dominant Asian population, the stores albeit really few too, do rent anime. However, they rent HK sets instead of the R1s. :p Rolleyes
The ones near me rent both HK's and R1's.
If you ever go to Japan... even if you stay for 2 weeks and drink several drinks a day, i doubt you can try even half of all the soft drinks. There is so many varieties and so many brands it's untrue.

One type is the sour vinegar drinks, normally they are mildy sour to give it a bit of kick but not enough that you feel like you are drinking normal vinegar. I was getting some small cartons of Japanese soya milk and since they tend to just have japanese writing on them i had to guess. I picked up a wrong one and took a huge gulp and it turned out to be pretty much full strength japanese vinegar. The shock of it made it go right up my nose. -.-;;

On another note does anyone like those asian drinks which have chewy black pearl balls in them? You get a big straw so you can suck them up. I find them quite nice. Drinks with bits in them are another subset of drinks in asia. There are some nice japanese ones where you get a foil pouch and you suck out a runny kinda jelly. I love them but it is quite hard when you get near the end!
I was wondering does ramune come in a genie in a bottle type bottle that is blue in color and has a little whale or something on the front? Cause if that's it then the store a block from my house is asking way too much for a bottle cause it is $2.50 and they only have one flavor.

I do drink asian drinks every now and then. I love lychee drinks, milk tea and iced green tea.
Wow,all of those drinks sound cool to try.I hope some day to be able to go to japan.That would be awesome.Though how hard is it if you only know about 15-20 word/phrases.The only store around where I live is a very small oriental store.It sells a few things like pocky,gummys,gum.I will have to see if they sell any drinks there too.There is also a little mexican store here.Does anyone know any good mexican drinks that I should try?Thank you ever so very much fro your help, and for shareing all your experences in trying all these different things.^_^
so, lemme get this straight? It's ramen water plus carbonation plus fruit? That sounds disgusting.
CrayonShinChan Wrote:On another note does anyone like those asian drinks which have chewy black pearl balls in them? You get a big straw so you can suck them up.

I accidently ordered one of those at a Malaysian restaurant. Best drink I've ever had in my life. And they also had tempura green tea ice cream... makes me so proud to be Asian. The waitress said "Would you like your ice cream tempura?" and I really thought she was joking. But it's great... warm in the outside, cold in the inside.
Mexican drinks that is something my bro enjoys. If you want some good mexican drinks I would say to go with jarritos or topochico. You can get 2-4 bottles of mexican soda for buck but those things are loaded with sugar.

Okay well I did some research and that stuff I saw for $2.50 is ramune. I just might try it some day....
Nina182B Wrote:I accidently ordered one of those at a Malaysian restaurant. Best drink I've ever had in my life. And they also had tempura green tea ice cream... makes me so proud to be Asian. The waitress said "Would you like your ice cream tempura?" and I really thought she was joking. But it's great... warm in the outside, cold in the inside.

Oh yes, those are delicious...
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