Ixtli277 Wrote:I agree with andromeda. School even tho you have the nice long summer vacation isn't better than having a job.
Unless you are a teacher and then you get the best of both worlds...

I hear a lot of people saying college was the best time of their life... making it sound like anything after that is crap. For me, my days go by so fast now that I'm working. It's because I'm stuck at work from 9-5 and with college, classes would be done way earlier. I think if you get stressed out from doing school stuff, you'll get stressed out from work too. Both involves doing work and it's only if you don't care about it, then you slack off and don't do anything.
kakomu Wrote:Bleh, stop bitching about AP classes. They aren't hard. I took 7 AP and Honors classes total my senior and Junior year. I hate school because I'm miserable here. The amount of posturing all the students do here is obnoxious. I doubt I will have a decent relationship with any girl here because of how stuck up they all are. I hate going to class, I hate reading and listening to dry material. I hate having no money to get myself something nice every once and a while, becuase I can't find a decent job to hold down. Everything nice I have, I bought when I was a senior in high school. That means my computer, CD player, Car radio and DVD collection are basically remnants of shit I bought over 2 years ago. On top of that, my personality just clashes with so many other people's personalities, I find it hard making friends and I don't want to conform to some personality that isn't mine. I am miserable here.
Well, that indeed doesn't sound like you'll look back at those days with joy. Didn't you know what kind of school you were going to when you chose it? And can't you switch to a school you do like next semester?
Work is all good in the first couple of years cause you just don't know what to do with the money. I started working full time when I was still living at home and could save half my salary for later and have enough left to do whatever I wanted. Then you go to live on your own and the half you used to save goes to the bills and the half you had to spend goes to food and fun stuff. My saved money went into my appartment and now I'm back to where I started only with alot of possesions.
I have a desk job which I need because of my weak back caused by lifting weights. I have worked here for 6 years which were ok because my coleagues are cool but the work is really getting repetitive (by that I mean sitting at a desk all day). The depresion starts when I think of the comming 40 years and see myself still sitting at a desk at 65. Fuck that! Then I think about how it was in school and things were alot more fun, which is all that's important in life. But I'm just going to keep sitting here because as Rarnom said, its good to have job security and that you're sure you'll be able to pay the bills. Still I wish I had stayed in school a couple of more years just for all the fun and vacation you have. Think about it. When you start working you start a new period in your life thats going to last for atleast 40 years. Couple of years of extra school doesn't sound so bad all of a sudden.
Personally, I love school. Yes, it's alot of hard work, but your friends are right next door, you have no parents breathing over your shoulder and you are essentially a free person. In college, your time is what you make of it. I'm out of school for a year, I should be attending my senior year right now, but my parents have dropped me, so I have to take a year off to earn some money and I hate it. I have no social life because I'm working right around 45 hours and then taking night classes so that when I go back to school I can work a night job and still have time for homework. Sure the classes may be hard, but personally I'd rather be challenged in classes and have my friends nearby than sit in an office for 45 hours a week. I feel like I'm rotting away.

Get a more social job. I work in a Kitchen. I started out as a dishwasher this summer and now I have a cook's position i'm supposed to have two years of cooking school for lol. Funny thing is, i'm not a very good cook and I knew nothing about cooking when I got a job there lol. It can be a little demanding and you go home smelling like food but if you find a nice place to work you can have a lot of fun with the people there.
I'm kinda afraid of trying to switch jobs because it took me so long to actually get this one! I can't be unemployed because I have too many bills to pay. But I am in the process of discussing with another employer a better job opportunity. If all goes as he says it will, I will hopefully be working the same hours, only getting $20/h and be working retail instead of office. More activity and human contact! :p
ladysilverice Wrote:If all goes as he says it will, I will hopefully be working the same hours, only getting $20/h and be working retail instead of office. More activity and human contact! :p
How is retail paying you more than an office job?
Vicious Wrote:How is retail paying you more than an office job?
Well, this office job is a dead end job. I really can't advance at all unless somebody above me dies or something. This job I'm talking about, I'd really be more of a consultant or sales person than actually in "retail." There's alot of training involved. At the end of the training I would end up with a title like "Health Consultant" or something. I don't care about that though. All I care about is a pay raise!

Why does this sound like on of those commision based jobs where you could earn up to $20 an hour.
Nope. $20 an hour base pay. If I do one-on-one consultations, those are $150/h and I keep 80%.
Well today was the 2nd day of school and I took the day off, I'm just a lazy fucker.
Hahaha, it seems like everyone I know took the day off today... I guess all the rain didn't help. I almost didn't go to work cuz it looked so bad outside.
Ladysilverice, I hope it works out for you. I was thinking the same thing Vicious mentioned but if it's base, that's great!

Also sounds like it'll be very competitive. So will you be selling pharmacuticals or vitamins?? Retail + health... that is the only thing I could come up with.
ladysilverice Wrote:Nope. $20 an hour base pay. If I do one-on-one consultations, those are $150/h and I keep 80%.
There is only one type of 'one-on-one consultation' I can think of where you'd be earning $150 an hour. But at least your pimp . . . err employer is generous and allowing you to keep 80%. :eek:
elcoholic Wrote:I fucking hate work and I wish there would be something better to do than conform to societies requirements of having a house and steady salary.
There are other options, but most people don't like them or look down apon them. You could live an adventure. Travel the world only keeping a job long enough to save a little cash before moving on to somewhere else. Live in the wilderness, build shelter kill food. Travel around the country on foot, pan-handeling and sometimes staying in "hippie" homes with other like minded people (such places are out there). Members of the military and clergy get free housing. Good luck finding anyone to do such things with you though. My desire not to be alone my entire life is one main things keeping me from living the first suggestion I made.
P.S. Don't worry Ciden, people know of North Dakota even without Fargo. I was even there once, while on vacation... I think. Now that I give it more thought I kinda forget, might have been SD. Sorry

. I'll go there next time just in case. How else can I get all 50.
WandererX12 Wrote:There are other options, but most people don't like them or look down apon them. You could live an adventure. Travel the world only keeping a job long enough to save a little cash before moving on to somewhere else. Live in the wilderness, build shelter kill food. Travel around the country on foot, pan-handeling and sometimes staying in "hippie" homes with other like minded people (such places are out there). Members of the military and clergy get free housing. Good luck finding anyone to do such things with you though. My desire not to be alone my entire life is one main things keeping me from living the first suggestion I made.
You mean live like a bum.
I was thinking more in the lines of winning the lotery or something and be set for life. I'm a very materialistic person. I need my tv.
But I have thought about just living like they used to before technologie took over. It would be cool to just go to africa or something with a group of friends and live of the land for some time. But your right when you say that its hard to get people to do that and I need people arround me. Maybe I should try to get on that program where they drop a group of people on a deserted island.