you know what i don't get, why it is so important for some people to impose their religious views on the government. o say for example the whole gay marriage thing. who cares. what's the big deal? and this whole smear campaign thing sucks, i'd rather here them talk about important issues instead of attacking a decorated veteran of our armed forces, someone who actually served and fought in the war.
don't you realise our whole government is a sham. they will never talk about what matters because they don't want to change anything. keep it how it is, that is what they want. so they bring up pointless issues and push those on us, so we forget about what really matters(i don't give two shits about gay marrage or abortion rights, if people what to do that, it's thier right too). But the thing is that, there are alot of us who see through this and don't buy into all the politically correct bull shit. Career politicians are a major part of this. term limits should be placed on politicians(like John Kerry, Donald rumsfield, lieberman, etc, etc) so they have to focus on what matters, instead of setting themselves up for their own political and financial gain. :mad:
i agree, these two parties which are supposed to be so different, really aren't. they don't differ that much and there is really no way for someone else to raise up, contrary views are extinguished. religion has an unhealthy hold of our government. the us has a history of being controled by religious views, for instance the prohibition. i wish there was something i could do to change things, but what is there?
israfel Wrote:they bring up pointless issues and push those on us, so we forget about what really matters(i don't give two shits about gay marrage or abortion rights, if people what to do that, it's thier right too).
And what, may I ask, "really matters?" I haven't really seen a politicians imposing their religious views upon us. Gay marriage and abortion are about civil rights. We live in a democracy, not a theocracy. Then again most citizens are apathetic... and ultimately relative moralism will be the death of us

they are trying to ban gay marriage because they feel christianity is against it.