Anyone still play??? I haven't since I was about 12 or 13. I was looking at the site and thought how complex it looked. I don't remember much on the stat sheets but man has it changed...either that or I just don't remember it. I wish I knew some people to play with. Never was a Dungeon master and wouldn't want to be anyway, but anyone have any thoughts on D&D??? Just thought I'd bring it up.
I never played, I guess that was the only geek thing I didn't do.
I bought it but ended up giving it my brothers. Played it once I think.
yeah i play d&d sometimes when i go to my friends house. its pretty fun
DARK OSAMU Wrote:Anyone still play??? I haven't since I was about 12 or 13. I was looking at the site and thought how complex it looked. I don't remember much on the stat sheets but man has it changed...either that or I just don't remember it. I wish I knew some people to play with. Never was a Dungeon master and wouldn't want to be anyway, but anyone have any thoughts on D&D??? Just thought I'd bring it up.
Of all the things to bring up... AD&D I used to play a lot from the ages of 16 to 21. It is hard to find people playing it in Iraq. I am sure there are people playing it in North Dakota. I will end up being a DM if the group is younger than me. That's just how it goes. I think D&D has evolved to the level that online gaming is the way to go. Plus Balder Gate is a huge hit.
Dark - I think you are remembering AD&D 2nd edition. The new AD&D is a 3rd edition. There are lots of changes.
whenever i play my friend is the dm. hes been playing for a pretty long time
I haven't played board games in a long time, but I'm a sucker for Risk even though the game might take forever.
I've been playing with a group of guys every Thursday night for a few years now. We made the switch first to 3.0 and more recently to 3.5. It's amazing how many changes there have been over the years. I used to play the original boxed set with the three books back when that was all that was available. Version 2.0 was all but unplayable. 3.0 had some great ideas but too many open loopholes that could be exploited by players. 3.5 has done a great job of cleaning up those loopholes and clarifying some of the combat rules but ended up pissing off a LOT of gamers. These books are expensive.
Of course, I'm not one to talk about expense. I read my buddies books instead of buying my own. I've found AD&D to be a great excuse to get together and drink beer.
Dangit Zaggy...I wish I lived up the road from you...I'd totally be there!
I remember my longest running characters name.
It was Wrasslin. I was a wizard. I always liked wizards and whenever we played I was always one.

I hate to sound pompous but my group has a waiting list to get into it with four or five people already waiting. Our last opening was over a year ago. We just don't have the space to accomodate all of our friends who would like to play with us. I know that a bunch of the guys have started their own groups on other days of the week to be able to game with those other players.
I've always wanted to play D&D, but the only group of guys that I was invtied to join stopped playing when one of them moved off & took all the book with him.
Since then a few of the guys have talked about starting a group, but no one ever does, although we used to have quite a few P&P RPGs going on around here, now all the geeks do is play card games :S
One time I was told we were going to play D&D, but our DM/GM was some stupid kid who had no idea what the hell he was doing & it was bloody obvious even to someone such as I, who had never played before. I had, although, read a few player's guides, & knew he was fu*king retarded (actually that's a litteral statement, so I probably shouldn't poke fun), but that's the way he is at most things he does.
Gay thing was, I knew more about how to play, was telling him what to do, & then when he'd not do something correctly I'd have to argue with him...
Ever see someone fire off 1 lightn'ing bolt, kill a group of bats, & grow nearly 10 levels? I have...
Most local hobby shops have a sign up list for gamers looking for fellow gamers to play with. If they don't have one, ask if you can start one. It can only be good business for the store because if more people are playing games then more people will be buying games. If you don't have a game shop, ask a comic shop... most of the owners I've run into have been pretty receptive to gaming.
Also, don't knock those card players. A lot of them enjoy playing old fashioned pen and paper games as well it's just easier to find opponents for those deck games. If you've got someone who is into running a campaign that is willing to put the prep time into making it work then you will have people flock to him. That prep time is what really makes for a great campaign. I know for a fact that part of what makes my current campaign so sweet is that the DM spends between 3 and 8 hours a week outside of game time preparing scenarios and making sure he has miniatures for anything we may encounter. That prep time pays off HUGELY.