Im trying to find pics under my username (avatar) but all of those are too big. Can anyone give me a webpage or something with cool jpeg, gif. Maybe like Final fantasy, any popular anime like DBZ yu yu hakusho inuyasha naruto etc. Thanks very much.

heh i can make you some avatars the right size. my gfx work isnt too shabby, you know...
You can always download irfanview and resize any image you want to fit. Photoshop is another way if you have that already. If you don't then get irfanview because it's free and it gets the job done.
irfanview, is that the same as the one where u can watch flash vids.
irfanview lets you watch all sorts of videos and view pictures.
It started out as just a program to let you see jpg gif and bmp files but has grown in ability and scope over time. The amazing thing is how fast it is to operate and the fact that it's still free. I am a power Photoshop user and I still keep irfanview installed as my basic image viewer because it's so much faster than Photoshop for basic, everyday image handling.
Thanks for all your help guys. I appreciate it.