Guys, I see you all using there, their and they're wrong. I thought I would educate you all, because it really pisses me off, especially since it's really easy.
They're = contraction for They are. Simple as that.
ex: they're a bunch of people!
their = shows ownership.
ex: That's their property.
there - Meant to show at a certain place. Indicating something unspecific. used in cases where the previous two aren't used.
ex: over there!
ex: THere you go.
ex: Hello, there.
There! Please, make sure to use them accordingly. No mixing up there and their, and god forbid you mix up they're with anything.
Oh, hey their Kak, thanks for the tips!
r00ster Wrote:Oh, hey their Kak, thanks for the tips!
I think is ok to not use those correctly, this is a fucking forum, not a job interview. People come here to relax to get away from school or work for a while, not to be reminded that there spelling is not the best. I really don't give a shit what anyone says about my spelling. So Their!!!
You're right about this being a place to relax Evilomar but you guys are English native speakers. Such mistakes are, in my opinion, embarrassing.
Its BECAUSE we are native speakers that we type so fast and make mistakes. We dont think as hard about it as non-native speakers do. I dont normally make the mistakes but I dont care. What does annoy me though is 'serie' lol. Series is not a plural!!!! But I dont really care honest!

That doesn't work with me! I don't make mistakes while writing in Portuguese either. I write in English just as fast as I do in Portuguese but I always read what I wrote once or twice before posting it to correct any mistakes I might have made.
I agree with Kakomu. It just makes for sloppy writing. If you make those kinds of mistakes in every day writing, you're more liable to make them in important things too like a term paper or a college thesis. Can you imagine what a college would think of you if you switched those on an entrance essay? Spell check won't catch that error because it is spelled correctly. In Journalism class, we were challenged to see how many errors (grammar and spelling) that we could put into a document without spell check catching it. You'd be amazed! Those three were major ones. Grammar check doesn't catch those for the most part. I watch the screen while I type and fix my errors as I go along. How hard is that? However, I will never personally insult anyone for spelling or grammar errors. It may annoy me, but I won't say anything more than what I've said here.
I'm sorry, but if English (American) wasn't my first language, I would probably do that all the time. Normally this would bug me, but I know that not everyone here is a native English(American) speaker.
I don't think I ever make mistakes like that. (I hope anyway!) I might make the odd spelling mistake but who doesn't! Seriously on the 'serie' thing, EVERYONE TAKE NOTE! The amount of reviews that have 'This was a great serie'... I want to edit them all!!!!
next can you do an indepth lesson on the finite differences between 'to' and 'too'???
Darn, I was hoping for a poll. My vote would have been for "There".
No way dude. Their would totally reem There a new skitehole!!!
Their would walk in and say something like...There it's time we settled the score. We couldn't back then cause we were sent to Nam but now we gots a lot of time. What say you an me finish this?
There would retort with...Well Their we have had it coming for a long time. You shouldn't have thrown my football so hard or it wouldn't have landed in that aligator pit. You also shouldn't have come back, cause I been waitin for this day. Every day all day I think of that foorball and how you threw it too hard. Everynight I wake up screaming, and every night I go back to sleep, thinking, seething, for the day you'd show your face again. So yes, lets finish this.
Their and There would fight for like 3 hours, throwing trash cans and rocks at each other until finally, Their would just sucker punch There in the nads and claim himself...King of The Hill!!!
Ok here is my point. While yes the grammar issue is to be debated... If I had said any one of those words in public would I receive the same berating Kakomu is giving the boards right now? No because they are pronounced the same. Now if I had typed fone instead of phone... I can understand someone correcting me, but when a word is pronounced the same it should be spelled the same. Hell almost every other language goes with the phonetic spelling. While you are most certainly in the right Kakomu, I think American English has a history of spelling mistakes. Is it something that needs to be a topic for forum discussion I guess so because we are here talking about it. Oops wait we aren't talking about we are typing about it a metaphoric grammar mistake...