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Full Version: Anyone gonna get Phantom Brave?
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I know I am. Its another Strat RPG from Nippon Ichi, the makers of Disgaea and La Pucelle.

Oh btw, Hello everyone, I'm new here.
I still haven't gotten a chance to pick up Disgaea or LaPucelle. From what I hear Nippon Ichi makes a very solid strategy game. I will definitley be adding their games to my library.
I most certainly will. You won't find a bigger NipponIchi fan than me on this board.
I definately will get it, I own both Disgaea and La pucelle and lov'em
Already have mine pre-ordered looking forward to getting the soundtrack with it. (I believe thats right.) On a side note anyone getting the Deluxe addition of Growlanser from Working Designs?
As I recall, it's not the full soundtrack, only certain tracks. I'm also probably going to get the Growlanser Generations Collection, although I probably won't have time during the school year to play it.
Can anyone tell me a little about the Nppon Ichi games. Like gameplay, or comparison to FFTactics, or something like that. I would really like to know. Thanks.
Think FFTactics, but with way less limitations and many more job classes. For now, that's all I'll say. Either way, if you enjoyed FF Tactics, there's no excuse for you not to get Disgaea and the upcoming Phantom Brave.
What about graphic wise. I dont expect too much, or should I?
Well, there's nothing to say about the graphics. If you like nice 3D graphics, don't look here. But if you want awesome gameplay that surpasses Tactics in depth and variety, then look here.
Thanks for the help. I'll definetly look into Nippon Ichi games a bit more.
i am hopefully..........
My girlfriend has forced me to play Disgaea, so I have broken down and began to play, I don't know why she likes it soo much, she hated Rhapsody.
Disgaea has very little in common with Rhapsody, and your girlfriend likes it cause it kicks ass, simple as that.
yeah that game does kick ass.
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