I figured I'd share some stuff with you guys. Even though there are some on here that piss me off by constantly bashing R1's and making up false prices.
First, rightstuf is having a viz sale. That applies to manga and anime. I know that I can get the 1st season Inuyasha boxset from there for almost the same price that the 1st 2 FX boxsets would cost me.
Also, there is a site that is having an ADV sale on certain titles. This is more for the European people, since the titles can be had for 8.99 pounds each.
Heh...i'd done my order on Black Thursday itself. Was thinking to save for DDD's end of the year sale but what da heck, only couple of bucks difference....

Black Thursday huh. So you're a regular there now? I can't get my first post in anymore due to my current job. I'm only ordering the InuYasha LE set and Maison Ikkoku boxset 4. I think all that comes out to be about $90 for me.
Not really a regular, think didn't get anything at all for the last 3 sales. Didn't see anything I want.
I got the regular version of Inuyasha coz I am 100% sure that I don't need the necklace and I won't wear it even if I'm totally drunk. :p
I ordered Zoids CC, Saikano #3 and #4, Inuyasha Movies #1+#2, that's about it I think.
Only came out to be about $150 with the GA discount.
Hopefully, Dark Lord doesn't come up with Geneon sale again.
His sales don't hurt me much anymore. I already have most of the stuff I want. I think I usually only spend around $100 per studio sale now. That is if I buy anything at all.
VIcious u do know there is a USA version of play, whch i think sells the same stuff but region 1, not too sure on that tho, if not u can just change the currency on play.com
Yeah, right now, don't really have anything I want much. That's why kind of just skimming through the sales. Maybe should stop a couple of months till more volumes of the newer series come out. It's so boring/frustrating to wait for them and trying to think of other titles to get.
Did you get Tsukihime and Requeim from the Darkness?
No. Those aren't really my style. Right now I'm getting Last Exile, ROD, GITS, Wolfs Rain, Gundam Seed, Azumanga Daioh, Kiddy Grade, Hajimeno ippo, Ikki Tosen. And I'm sure there are others I can't remember. They are putting soooo much shit out right now that it's killing my bank account.
i wish i had all that money to buy dvds with, im in that fase where i just want to buy as many dvds as i can
Same titles as what you are getting right now except for the last 2. I'll wait for Hajimeno Ippo. Not sure what is it about or would I like it.
Did you get the towel for Ikki? I didn't really like that series but I really want those extras.

Rightstuf didn't state that the towel is included in the Ikki boxset so I don't know if I should get it.
Yeah, I got the boxset and it does come with the towel. I'm not sure if I should continue with that series or not. I might just sell it on Ebay.
Vicious Wrote:I figured I'd share some stuff with you guys. Even though there are some on here that piss me off by constantly bashing R1's and making up false prices.
Geeee i wonder who you are talking about .
Well ill just say i didnt make up prices they use to be very expensive for R1 dvds that is why most of us resorted to HK. so ill just leave it at that !
cool site !
In a way, I feel as though I am giving back to my community by purchasing HK DVDs, being Chinese myself. Hate me all you want for saying that, but I would think a significant portion of the Chinese economy relies on the piracy of videos, games, clothes, and other foreignly made goods.
HOWEVER, that's not the main reason why I don't get R1s, so don't get all rattled. Like most people, it's the R1 DVD prices that primarily make me turn to the dark side of anime DVDs. Gimme a fat paycheck, and I may be willing to turn towards the light.

Robojack Wrote:In a way, I feel as though I am giving back to my community by purchasing HK DVDs, being Chinese myself. Hate me all you want for saying that, but I would think a significant portion of the Chinese economy relies on the piracy of videos, games, clothes, and other foreignly made goods.
LOL points for originality! Ive never heard that one before

chinas doing pretty good in the Olympics, how much u think u cud get one of those ggold medals on ebay.