I PM this to a user, but then I remembered that there are some others on here that I know of that love manga as well. Here's a new site I heard about. I think they only carry some older titles. Don't ask me for any details because I don't buy manga.
Damn you damn you damn you...
oh yeah... and thanks...
I just ordered 21 books with money I really shouldn't be spending. But at $1 a book it's hard to pass up. Then shipping ended up costing more than the actual books but I guess that 21 books will be pretty heavy and they have to ship across that crazy US/Canada border.
Damn you...
Hahahaha. You weak minded fool. You're welcome.

Im not sure how new it is, and it's a bit more expensive than a mere dollar, but I like
Just Manga. It's cheaper than most other options, and in my opinion, more convienient too.
Zagatto Wrote:Damn you damn you damn you...
oh yeah... and thanks...
I just ordered 21 books with money I really shouldn't be spending. But at $1 a book it's hard to pass up. Then shipping ended up costing more than the actual books but I guess that 21 books will be pretty heavy and they have to ship across that crazy US/Canada border.
Damn you...
Update us on how your order goes cause I'm interested in some of their titles.
I also really like JustManga. Most of their stuff is $8 instead of $10 and almost all of it has free shipping.
too bad they just send to US. I would love to buy those Crayon ShinChan volumes

Well I placed my order yesterday, 11 volumes for 32$US including shipping, I splurged and bought some of the "expensive" 3$ manga also, hope everything goes well.
The site is just a way for Comics One to get rid of overstock inventory cause when I paid with Paypal the payment was made to COMICS ONE CORP. so there goes any hope of them getting any TP or Viz manga in their future.
I got my package today. One week to Canada is pretty good if you ask me. The shipping was actually more expensive than what I paid for, I paid 15$ for the shipping and on the box the price for the shipping was labelled at 17.85$. I'll definately buy from them again.
Grrr... that sucks... I'm still waiting for my box...
I wonder if it's because I ordered more titles (I got over 20 books) and if it's being held up at customs for some reason.
I'm glad you got great service MM... I hope to see my shipment soon.
Did you get any sort of email confirmation from them when they were shipping?
No I didn't get any notification at all, for the whole week the order was listed under processing. I had thought they haven't even ship it yet until I got my order in my mailbox. Looking at the postage stamp, it said it was shipped Aug. 25 which was the day after I placed my order.
Maybe they shipped it a cheaper cause your order was bigger?
Thank you Vic.When I get a job I am going to be buying from there.Oh! and Zagatto hope you get your manga soon.matthewmaly enjoy readeing.Ahh and can anyone please tell me if any of these titles are good.Thank you very much.
Bibbble gum Crisis
W juliet
Anne Freaks
I''s is a great shounen romance comedy. One of my favs, I highly recommend it.
DNA2 is by the same author but I didn't like it as much. It's another romandic comedy but there are science fiction themes in it.
I shall read I's next then.By the way don't be mad but what does shounen happen to mean?
It just means it's oriented for males, well young males to be exact. For example, Viz's Shounen Jump periodical.
It's still a great series and, male or female if you like romance stuff, you'll enjoy I''s.